No Time For Waiting

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Taking my seat I join the others in feasting.

Susan: "So what're you planning on doing now uncle Y/N?"

They all look at me.

Y/N: "Whaddaya mean?"

Mark: "Your arm's moving pretty well. Does that mean you'll put the mask back on?"

I think when Blake beats me to the punch.

Blake: "I think it'll be for the best you leave off the mask."

I look at her, what'd she just say?

Y/N: "You think I should give it up?"

Blake: "Yes."

Y/N: "Why?"

Blake: "You've only just got back your arm. Maybe keeping the mask off will let you keep it."

Y/N: "But what if crime gets too out of control?"

Noir: "I can handle it."

Y/N: "But what if you can't? What is you need my help?"

Noir: "Aunt Ruby's still a huntress. So is aunt Weiss and Yang. So I'll just ask them for help."

Y/N: "But what if it's something not even they can handle? What if it's something made specifically for me?"

Blake: "Why're you so worried Y/N?"

Y/N: "I just wanna make sure the city stays safe. I don't want another assault."

Blake: "The city's fine. Atlas just unveiled a new line of defense that each city shall get. So all's well."

Y/N: "But-"

She stomps her foot narrowing her eyes at me.

Blake: "Look Y/N. I know you're eager to jump back into the fight. But our daughter's two months from graduating. And I'd really appreciate it if you were with me to help make sure everything's in place."

I look down.

Susan: "May I be excused?"

Mark: "You may."

Noir: "Hey Susan, why don't you show me your doll collection?"

Susan: "Ok."

Her, Noir and Mark leave.

Mark: *bows* "Thank you for breakfast."

He leaves as Blake stands beside me. She then wraps her arms around me.

Blake: "I don't mean to be mean. I'm only looking out for your wellbeing."

I wrap my arm around her.

Y/N: "I know."

She kisses my cheek.

Blake: "Just give it till graduation. Then you can hop back into the mask."

She lets go leaving me alone. Later that day I sit in my living room looking over a stack of papers. I don't really focus on them. Instead I just skim them before signing my name. While this goes on I only think about what it'd be like to be out there fighting crime.

Blake: "There's so many papers. Wish graduation had less paperwork."

Y/N: "Yep."

I continue to sign papers for the rest of the afternoon. That night as we lay in bed I just toss and turn. Not being able to stand it any longer I gently get out of bed.

Null: *in head* "Can't sleep?"

Y/N: *in head* "Not really. I can't wait for graduation. Like what if something big's brewing right this second?"

Null: "Then why not go out and investigate?"

Y/N: "Because that'd make Blake angry."

Null: "It's better to have an angry wife and safe city, rather than a happy wife and destroyed city."

I think.

Y/N: "Yeah. It is."

My suit manifests leaving my face uncovered. I squat next to my sleeping wife.

Y/N: "I'm sorry Blake. But I already stood by as the city was destroyed. And I'll be damned if I miss the chance to stop it before it can even happen. I know you'll be mad when you find out but I know you'll come around."

I kiss her forehead.

Y/N: "I love you. Forever and always."

I stand up hanging out my window.

Null: "Ready for some action?"

Y/N: "Born ready."

Null: "Then let's get to it."

My face is covered as I leap off the building. Sending out a strand of web I swing down the street to try and keep the city safe.

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