Limit Testing

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I stare up at the sign when I hear a voice.

Man: "Hey there."

I look down seeing a man with light brown hair.

Y/N: "You must be Marty Bell."

I shake his hand.

Marty: "Good grip you got there. You work out?"

I let go of his hand.

Y/N: "Eh. Natural strength."

Marty: "It'll serve you well. Follow me."

I enter a mule which we use to drive through the farm.

Marty: "Your job is super simple. Help where needed. Most of the time you'll be in charge of hauling hay. When you're not doing that you'll be tasked with maintaining the tractor. I.E. bringing it gas or driving it when no one else can."

We go past the fields to the main house. Entering we see a blonde haired woman around Marty's age. They share a kiss.

Woman: "Who's this?"

Marty: "This' Y/N. The man I told you about."

Her eyes widen when she gets in my space. It's then her eyes turn to stars.

Woman: "It's you, the hero! Oh my Oum it's such a pleasure to have you here in my home!!!"

Marty: "What's gotten into you Heather?"

Heather: "Remember that kid that got unmasked when Vale was breached?"

His eyes fully widen.

Marty: "That was you!?! You've really grown up."

Y/N: "A lot can happen in eighteen years."

Marty: "No kidding."

He pats my back.

Marty: "Well it's a pleasure to have you here."

His watch beeps.

Marty: "Crap. Time to work. How much can you lift?"

I smirk raising my eyebrows. I set down the hay bales down as Marty sets his down before turning off his tractor.

Marty: "Just how much strength do you actually have?"

Y/N: "Don't know. When I was sixteen I barely managed a shipping container. But as I got older my strength only got better. So there's no telling what my limit is."

Marty: "Shipping container? That's already pretty impressive. I'd say you should test yourself. Just to know."

Y/N: "I just might."

When all the hay's stored I head to the fields to help till them. That night I stand in the field with various objects before me.

Y/N: "Alright. Time to test my limit."

I look over the various objects.

Y/N:  "I have no issue lifting nine hundred pounds. Meaning hay bales are a good base line."

I walk to the tractor.

Y/N: "A tractor. Well over fifteen thousand pounds."

I get on the side placing my hands under it. Inhaling I begin lifting. Slowly the tractor is lifted off the ground. When it gets above me I falter. But replanting my feet I exhale gaining stability. Inhaling again I fully lift the tractor. I smile putting the tractor down. 

Y/N: "That's fifteen thousand pounds lifted. Let's see if I can do more."

I walk to the ship anchor.

Y/N: "Here goes nothing."

I grab the shank and begin lifting. But I begin struggling. Taking a deep breath I reapply my grip.

Y/N: "Here we go. One two seven."

I lift with all my might. My arms tighten while my legs start to shake. I keep at it when I feel it start to come up. I smile when a very loud pop is heard. I emit a long groan letting go of the anchor. 

Y/N: "My back."

I whine holding it while hunching over.

Y/N: "I wonder if it's sprained."

I try to stand. But a secondary, more painful pop is heard.

Y/N: *in severe pain* "Nope. It's worse than a sprain."

I groan walking to my bed while holding my back.

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