Happy Again

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Walking through my front door I see my wife doing the dishes. I smile sneaking up behind her. I wrap my arms around making her gasp and look over her shoulder.

Blake: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "The one and only."

She wraps me in a tight hug. I return it as she buries her face soaking my shirt with tears.

Blake: "I was so worried about you."

She looks up at me with tears running down her cheeks.

Blake: "Don't ever make me worry like that ever again."

Y/N: "I'll try not to."

She narrows her eyes.

Blake: "I mean it."

I lean down kissing her tenderly. But my stomach growls making me break the kiss.

Y/N: "Hey what're you doing right now?"

Blake: "I was just putting up the dishes."

Y/N: "Pause it. We're going out to eat."

I look back yelling.

Y/N: "Noir, get dressed we're heading out!!!!"

Blake: "I'll go get ready."

Y/N: "Nonsense. you look perfect."

She blushes as Noir comes down in shorts and tank top. I then drag us all to the best restaurant in all of Vale, Oum's Pantry. Taking our table I look over the menu.

Noir: "It's good to have you back dad."

My gaze remains fixed on the menu.

Y/N: "Feels good to be back."

Waiter: "Have you decided what you wanted?"

Blake: "I'll have the tuna casserole."

Noir: "I'll have the pasta trio."

Waiter: "And you?"

Y/N: "I'll try one of everything."

Waiter: "Ok. I'll have those right out."


I munch on my ribs as my wife and daughter stare in awe.

Blake: "It still amazes me how much you can eat."

Noir: "Not even I require that much food."

I slide my plate away digging into my lobster.

Y/N: *mouthful* "What can I say?"

I toss the carcass slurping my noodles.

Y/N: "My body needs fuel."

I lick the bowl clean finally feeling full. The waiter then comes by with the check. I look going wide eyed.

Y/N: "Three hundred Lien?"

Noir: "You did kinda eat them dry."

Blake: "I'll pay."

Y/N: "No. I got it." *internally* "You can make money right?"

Null: "Yep."

Y/N: "Good. Because I need some."

Money materializes in my hand. Paying for the meal we begin the walk home. As we reach the living room I get confronted by Blake.

Blake: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "Yes?"

Blake: "I'm glad to see you so happy again."

I smile.

Y/N: "It's good to be happy."

She then develops a sly smile.

Blake: "Whaddaya say we celebrate your happiness~"

I match her smile.

Y/N: "I'd say bring it on."

We slink to our room where we get next to no sleep. The next morning I awake to a bright sun shining its brilliant rays on me. I jump out of bed making breakfast.

Noir POV

I awaken to the sweet smell of bacon. Going downstairs I see dad making a full breakfast spread.

Noir: "What's got you cooking?"

Y/N: "What? Can a father not make his loving family a nice breakfast?"

Noir: "He can."

I take a seat at the counter.

Noir: "Just odd is all. Surprised to see you so active. Been awhile."

Y/N: "What can I say? I had a massive pick me up."

I smile seeing him so upbeat again. The others wake up taking a seat at the table. As I take my seat I see dad walking to us with a mountain of plates. I get up to help him.

Noir: "Hang on, I'll help."

Y/N: "I got it."

I sit down. We watch in awe as he expertly balances the plates. He then flicks them across the table where they slide perfectly in front of us.

Mark: "You're moving pretty well."

Blake: "I'll say. Looks like physical therapy was the best thing to ever happen."

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