To The Rift

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Noir POV

Mom and I break the hug when we hear Lucas.

Lucas: "What's up with the sky?"

We get up and look to see a massive rift. 

Noir: "What on earth?"

Lucas: "What is it?"

Blake: "I don't know. But odds are it's nothing good."

I perk my head up, I nearly forgot. I head to my dresser pulling out what Eric dropped. 

Blake: "What's that?"

Noir: "Something a villain dropped. I forgot about it until now."

I open it up looking it over.

Lucas: "What's it say?"

Noir: "Mostly nothing."

I lean closer catching something.

Noir: "But here. Says Eric was being scouted."

Blake: "For what?"

Noir: "An army. If he accepts he's to meet at Vale Plaza."

Lucas: "That looks like where that rift is."

Noir: "Then that's where we need to go."

I drop the letter donning my costume. Lifting up my mask I leap out my window before swinging towards Vale Plaza. Landing on it I see the area breaking apart before floating into the rift.

Noir: "Now to get up there."

Firing a web strand I zip to a rubble chunk. As it rotates I leap hopping to a higher chunk. I keep leaping until I eventually fly through the rift coming to a place that could be considered hell. 

Voice: "There's one."

I look seeing an unknown type of Grimm.

Noir: "Who're you?"

Null: "You may call me Null. Noir."

I raise an eyebrow.

Noir: "And just how is it you know my name?"

Null: "Your father spoke very highly of you."

My fists clench.

Noir: "What do you know about my father?"

His chest opens. My eyes widen seeing my dad's face covered in vines of black goo.

Noir: "Dad."

He's covered back up making me angry.

Noir: "Let him go!"

Null: "No can do. See your father is like us, a one of a kind. An abnormality in the natural order."

Noir: "My father is nothing like you."

Null: "Why do you even care what happens to him? He said all those hateful things about your boyfriend. I thought you'd be happy to see him get what he deserves."

My eyes narrow.

Noir: "It was you. Making him act that way. Say those things."

Null: "I merely amplified what was already inside. His hate was always there. I just made it harder to control."

My knuckles whiten in fury.

Noir: "You'll pay for what you did to my father."

I leap bringing my fist down on Null. He easily catches my attack before kicking my chest sending me away. I gasp holding my ribs.

Noir: "Damn... felt like I got hit by a semi. Guess this is how strong dad really is."

Staggering to my feet I fire a web strand at him. He raises his arm forming a bone shield which takes the web. He smiles grabbing ahold of the strand. I'm violently swung around in a circle. I collide with several rock pillars with each hurting more than the last one. Null pulls me to him where he catches me by the neck.

Null: "Such a foolish child."

Noir: "I will... make you... pay."

Null: "We'll see about that."

I gasp as he impales my side with a bone spike. My eyes droop before I ultimately pass out.

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