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Thank you for understanding my request. Keep showering this love and support.

Happy reading!


"Reached home! Please be fine and call me soon."

Nandini read the message again, the only conversation they had in past one week. Well, the only message he'd sent her, although he made sure to call her once daily but she always declined it stating that she is busy. She didn't feel courageous enough to talk or meet him yet. She felt ashamed of herself after the treatment he received at her home.

"Nandini, come along. Aryaman Sir is calling us in his cabin." Tearing her gaze away from the screen, she looked up to see Diya standing near her with a smile. She quickly closed her phone and walked along with her with a fake smile plastered over her face.

She also wanted to meet Aryaman and request him to not involve her in the project he has signed with her father. Last week he was out somewhere for an important deal and didn't come to office. She was waiting for him to come back and then she could submit her resignation.

"Nandini, Diya! Have a seat." Aryaman said, greeting them with a nod.

"I called you here for discussing something important. Diya, who is working on the Mehta's project? I wanted a brief over it. They are our important clients." Aryaman asked and Diya passed him the file she brought along. It had all the details.

"Okay! So I want you to remove Aliya and appoint Nandini for this project. I've another project for Aliya." Diya was confused with his decision. It was the second time he was doing such thing- removing someone more appropriate, for Nandini. It wasn't she didn't like Nandini's work but every designer had a particular quality and style and they were assigned the work according to that. Then why was he changing it, having no idea of their work?

"But Sir, Aliya's designs are good. I mean her working style fulfills the requirements of the clients and she'd worked really hard for it." Diya put her point of view and Nandini's didn't disagree with her. She was herself puzzled with what was running in Aryaman's mind.

"I want Aliya free for another project that is equally important. Since Nandini was associated with that project, I'm just swapping them." He declared leaving no room for arguments. Diya nodded, not in a position to object.

"Which project are you talking about, Sir?" Nandini asked cordially, trying to participate in the conversation.

"The project we are doing with Kapoor's. Mr. Kapoor doesn't want you involved in that in anyway so accordingly, Aliya will be working on that one." Nandini was happy hearing this. She instantly agreed and Aryaman instructed Diya to brief Nandini and Aliya the details of their respective projects.




"God bless you." Manik said, as Mukti sneezed non-stop. They were sitting in the living room with Manik reading an important topic for a surgery he is about to assist Dr. Ganguly in, while Mukti was lazing on the sofa, lying with her head on his lap. He was patting her to sleep but she wasn't able to, due to continuous sneezing which had made her cranky. Nyonika was about to return from her work early as Manik has to leave for hospital and they didn't want to leave Mukti alone when she was ill and irritated.

"Who told you to eat so much ice-cream last night?!" Manik scolded her again, getting up from the sofa to bring another glass of lukewarm water for her itchy throat.

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