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Nandini sauntered to her desk and settled down quickly, not able to smother a goofy grin off her lips. The morning at Malhotra abode has wiped out every trace of sadness from her heart. To have a relationship where there's no judgements or embarassment but teasing, fun, care, mutual respect and understanding grounding the love in their hearts, meant the world to her.

Sorting out her papers she started working on her designs real quick, inspired by a positive spirit. Now there was no looking back.

Going through the details the client has specifically mentioned and few other preferences, she started with her sketching.

The morning went in blur and it was almost afternoon when she came back from a small meeting with the client about the last minute details he wanted to add and they had locked the changes now. She is supposed to submit the designs of a rooftop restaurant in the next three days, the ground floor would be covered by another member of her team and her another colleague would make the 3D presentation.

"Hey Nandini, lunch?" Sahil came to her desk. She glanced at her wristwatch and there were still few minutes left for lunch break. She could utilise this time.

"Hi Sahil, can you give me two minutes. I'll join you in the canteen." He nodded and went away.

She glanced at Diya's cabin and exhaled a deep breath. Station-ing herself outside the cabin with an envelope in her hand, she knocked the door before stepping in.

Greeting Diya cordially, Nandini sat on the chair and handed over the envelope, that had her resignation.

A deep frown settled over Diya's forehead after reading the letter. She looked at Nandini and asked,
"Any particular reason?"

Nandini kept her face neutral and said, "The reason is a bit personal ma'am." Diya nodded finding her firm on her decision.

"I'll discuss this with sir and let you know. He may want to hear the reason Nandini."

Nandini nodded and took her leave. She went to have her lunch with Sahil. To her surprise, he was sitting alone. "Where is your other friend?" She asked opening her lunch.

"On leave. Where's Aliya nowadays?" He asked cluelessly. From last one week he was too occupied to know that nothing was good between the two girls.

"We had a small argument so..." She lied, not finding it suitable to disclose the matter. It was personal.

Sahil shook his head and spotted Aliya sitting on another table with her new friend.

"You both can't be serious. For a small argument you aren't talking to her and she made a new friend, look." Nandini turned in the direction Sahil gestured and saw Aliya laughing with other girl who was supposedly her friend. A sad smile tugged Nandini's lips and she took a deep breath.

"Good for her." Answering shortly, she concentrated on her lunch.

"Anything serious, you can talk to me Nandini." She looked up to find Sahil genuinely concerned. Atleast one true friend she could find here.

"It's just..." Her phone buzzed cutting her off and a wide smile graced her lips instantly seeing the caller name.

"Hello Manik!" She answered the call cheerfully, forgetting she had an audience.

"Someone seems to be in a happy mood." Manik smiled at her zeal, relieved to find her mood bright.

"Yes! There are so many ideas in my mind so I'm hoping I'd complete the designs without facing any block. What about you? Did you talk to your senior?" She asked taking another spoonful of the rice.

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