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[Disclaimer from the author :- this chapter may seem slightly out of the way for you guys cause it's a professional scenario of a hospital but I can't help since I cannot explain Manik's thoughts and emotions as a doctor otherwise and you cannot skip it. Read this, keeping in mind that if a doctor like Dhruv can exist then by God's grace we do have doctors like Manik, Samir and Ganguly much more in number. And I'd be glad if you could feel and understand emotions unbiasedly and express your views on it.]


Same day, afternoon.

Past few minutes to two in afternoon, the OPD for Friday was shut. Dr. Ganguly rose up from his head chair and the other junior and senior residents in the room stood up in respect as well.

"I'll be taking the rounds in an hour." He informed and went to his cabin.

It was the third year residents' responsibility to brief their respective cases and apprise the current status of the patient's health and recovery to the senior consultants during the rounds and then the treatment is modulated if needed.

"Mar gaye yar! Ganguly sir's rounds after not sleeping for more than 36 hours — aai ko phone kar leta hun, bta dun ki apne bete ki awaaz sunle aakhri baar." Samir groaned dramatically putting his head on the desk while Manik slumped on the chair next to Samir's and guzzled down the water from the bottle. His thoughts weren't any different.

"Sumit, go and check if the treatment charts are updated or not. And inform sister Mary, Mogambo aane wala h." Samir sat straight and started giving other instructions to his junior.

Manik called Sarthak and did the same. He updated about it in the resident chat group under the tag line of 'MOGAMBO ALERT‼️ '

Manik - All the residents are advised to reach to their respective wards and check everything before the tsunami hits and leaves you in a withered and cold mess. No other resident will take the responsibility of the aftermath if the respective resident fails to do so.

"The last line was for Dhruv, right?" Samir asked with a chuckle as they walked to the canteen to have some refreshments.

"Don't ask!" Manik shook his head pressing his temples. He hated that their shifts were either on same time slots or in alternate with each other and sometimes in the same ward from past six months. His work had almost doubled. All the residents were aware of his plight.

Dhruv's uninformed and untimely absence and laziness often costs him as extra hours and lot of stress to the patients. He finds it petty to complain to the seniors and had arguments with Dhruv about the same but the latter never paid much heed.

Aditya often warns him to not let Dhruv take advantage of his leniency, but Manik had his own reasons to do certain things the way he does.

"Chaar chai." Manik ordered and kept his head on the table when Samir gave the rest of the order and requested, "Jaldi krna yar, time nhi h zyada."

"Teen chai peeyega?" Samir asked in disbelief and took out a cigarette.

"I need the fuel for the viva coming ahead and it's far better than smoking. Go somewhere else, it's a public place." Manik chided disgustingly, as Samir was hopeless. The guy knew the habit was harmful and yet continued it as the coping mechanism to stay awake for long hours and work with same alertness. Now he was addicted.

There was a pin drop silence when Dr.Ganguly walked out from one ward to the next ICU. Samir tagging behind him made a gesture of 'dead' to Manik and disappeared into the resident room. His rounds were done and he survived. He'd quickly pack his belongings and leave.

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