Korkie began to protest, "We are still in the academy. You won't allow us to be join the ranger courses until we graduate." He stood up, looking at Satine, before Marrik stood up, and looked at Satine's nephew.

"ATTENT-HUT" Marrik screamed out. Korkie jumped to attention at an instant, Marrik walked in front of Korkie and glared at the young heir.

"Listen and Listen well" Marrik said "Right now you are acting like an entitled dumbass right now Cadet Korkie. Your aunt, My Duchess. Is simplely worried about you, and how do you respond to that kindness by acting like an entitled dumbass, and a stupid one at that, you think you can survive on Terra. Let me tell you this you wont. Men like you have had that thought and you know where they are. They are dead, all because they didn't listen to their superior officers and cool their heels." Marrik's glare softened at Korkie as his somewhat arrogant attitude simmered down. "Lad" Marrik said "Do you understand why, I said all that."

Korkie nodded his head.

"Then Apologize you your aunt now, Cadet." Marrik Finished.

Korkie sighs as he looks at his aunt, "Aunt Satine...look im sorry i just want to help as much as possible thats all." Satines features soften as she brings her nephew into a hug. Once they break it Marrik adds. "Your still a dumbass." To which the young mans head just falls as he groans.

Blue came riding in on a mouse droid, before droid slammed into the edge of the table, and Blue flipped over the table, smiling. She lifted up a box in her hands.

"I got the next video!" She shouted, still laying on her back, in the middle of the table.

All across the galaxy, everyone prepared for what was to come, the answers to their questions, and a hope that they would finally find this lost world of wonder and horror.

The Great War happened over two hundred years ago, and the people who remember the days before the bombs fell are fewer in number each year. Ghouls, brains in jars, alien abductees, and a handful of pre-war tycoons who had life support systems ready to go when the worst hit. Among the people who were alive in the 'Back When' times is a man who some call a ghoul, others say he's one of the very first mutants. To those of us who've known him a while, he's just Harold.

*Shows a ghoul in rags walking through various terrains, various stages of weather. Their clothes slowly get more and more ragged, and patchy. It ends with the ghoul reaching a rocky out cove in the rocks, and laying down on the ground*

Anakin looks up at the ghoul and a smile slowly forms on his face, "ah Harold, the real hero of the wasteland if you ask me." He chuckles a little.

"Man took the wild ride, and cam out grinning." Rex commented

Harold was a child when the war began back in 2077. He wasn't exactly a historian at that age, doesn't remember the global war over the dwindling supply of oil and uranium, the desperate fight in Anchorage Alaska where America and China fought like alley cats over the last drops of fuel in the world.

*Shows soldiers in foxholes, standing up and looking at an atomic mushroom cloud, that everyone could tell, was too close for safety. The soldiers climb out of the trench and begin to walk towards the origin. Then shows ships landing supplies on the shore, and finally cuts to soldiers firing their rifles, before the camera is behind a large gun, it fires and the screen turns black, as the recoil of the gun's breach, blocking the camera from seeing anything else*

Bail smiled sadly, "To have been around for so and seen the world before and after the bombs. Makes one truly appreciate such long lived people."

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