Milo reached behind a chair, and and "pulled out" a suit case, before he opened it and drew a file folder. It was marked #18, before he set it down on the table.

"We can start very soon." He added.

In the senate building on Coruscant the senate was in a tizzy, it was pure pandemonium. The senators were all yelling at each other, some blaming the others with others blaming the opposition. Palpatine looked down on this with annoyance, these simpering blithering idiots, they were all useless. Padme and Bail were more composed than the others. They while more composed than the rest of the senate, were just as shocked that the Storyteller was a Brotherhood member, it wasn't surprising, but still it was shocking. Tarkin how ever didnt care this Storyteller didnt, he didnt matter in the long run in the republic, he was just a story teller and a mediocre one at that, the sooner these videos were over the better.

Ruby Gardner, walked into the senate chambers and approached the podium and said aloud,

"Okay ladies and Gentlemen, The latest video has now unlocked, and this has unlocked a segment of my memory bank." Ruby said with her million dollar smile beaming out to the gathered crowd.

Tarkin scuffs at Ruby's announcement, wishing just to end the log and go back to winning this war.

"Miss Gardner" Palpatine asked "Is one of the unlocked memories, a star chart to Terra, so that this great republic can help them."

Ruby slipped off her shades, looking at the Chancellor, "All information is locked until the end of the logs, I'll give you the list, publicly, at the end of the Log." Ruby said, smiling, just a bit, seeing past Palpatine's guise just a tiny bit.

Palpatine just nods, however Padme soon asks, "Who is the storyteller? Which of the brother chapters is he with?" Ruby sighs "I really wish you didnt ask about that man."

Ruby pulled out a file and opened it, before Ruby cleared her throat.

"Code Name: Chatter Box

Affiliation: Brotherhood

Age: Unknown

Name: Unknown

Identifiable features: Wears black power armor, model, unknown, carries a tri-beam laser rifle. Travels alone, sighting of him with an eyebot has been made in later reports. Travels alot, has been seen for the last 20 years."

"But let's get the log 18 playing." Ruby said, as she pulled a paper out and tossed it into the air, it expanded and showed a reel counting down from 10.

As the Separatist, Jedi, and Republic collectively had losed their collective minds, off in Mandalorian space, it was a different story. For instead of going crazy the entire space of mandalore erupted with cheers, concerned cheers as they didn't know if he was part of east or west BOS, but they still cheered as they now knew that the person who recorded these logs was as much a Mando from the strongest ranger, to the most humble of foundling.

However within the palace an argument was being had between Satine and her nephew Korkie. "You are not going to Terra! your to young and not prepared!" Satine said in a raised voice.

"But auntie, this is an exciting chance for me to study an undocumented culture before extensive contact has been made. THis is a rare opportunity to study the effects that the galactic community can have on a planet being introduced to the wider galaxy first hand." Korkie protested.

Satine stood up as she glares at her Nephew. "My word is finale! The wasteland is no place for an untrained youngling." She steps down her voice still controlled but still a hint of anger, "You will continue the path your have started, YOU WILL Obey my orders, and finally YOU SHALL NOT GO TO THAT HELLISH LAND UNTIL IT HAS BEEN STABLIZED!"

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