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( how villains are made — madalen duke )

" so easily we're persuaded
when the lines are blurred and faded
no one ever starts that way
but this is how villains are made "

" so easily we're persuadedwhen the lines are blurred and fadedno one ever starts that waybut this is how villains are made "

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if anyone remembers the chapter
'the rules of the nogitsunes' from book 2 which explained the japanese mythology behind okami and what was going on with aspen, this chapter is basically book 6's version of that

except it's explaining what's happened with allison, not aspen


"DEATON, hey!" Aspen greeted the veterinarian with a warm hug and great smile, as he returned the hug and gave her a comforting pat on the back, "It's so good to see you, you didn't have to come all the way here!"

The veterinarian didn't appear to have changed physically much over the years, looking relatively the same as when he did when the pack was in high school.

Since figuring out a small piece of a much larger mind-fuck of a puzzle, Scott had given his old boss a call, and they were now gathered in Deaton's animal clinic that he had in the city.

Josephine was also with them, practically being initiated into the pack now that she was in just as much danger as the rest of them, and she had been enlightened on the secrets and realism of the supernatural world.

They all knew if anyone could help them truly get to the bottom of this all, it was Dr Alan Deaton.

"I was in Staten Island on business anyway," Deaton smiled, "And from what I heard over the phone with Scott... this couldn't exactly wait, could it?"

Deaton's eyes glanced around the room, meeting everybody's looks which had now solemner at the mention of the situation at hand. The veterinarian pursed his lips, nodding his head and leading them over to the table where he had some things laid out. They all circled around it, Aspen, Stiles, Scott, Malia, Kira, Isaac, and Josephine, waiting anxiously for what Deaton had hopefully discovered.

"Okay, so based off what you could tell me over the phone," Deaton began, "I managed to pull together a hypothesis or two."

"About how Allison's alive?" said Stiles, who was stood beside Aspen, "Or why she's... y'know..."

"Trying to kill me?" Aspen finished the sentence for him.

Deaton glanced between the recently-rekindled couple, "Both—but in order for me to explain the latter, I need you guys to think really hard about the former..."

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