Start from the beginning

But before she got a chance to send that text, a gag was being roughly thrown over her head and pulled tight.

She tried to scream immediately—but the cloth was gagging around her mouth silencing her to minute volume whimpering screams instead.

And before she knew it, she was being knocked out by a hard blow to the head—and being picked up and thrown into the boot of a car.


Now, Lydia was tied to a chair in a dark warehouse—with duct tape over her mouth.

Her reaction to Allison Argent being alive was identical to Aspen's. She was in denial at first, thinking her mind was playing tricks on her. She had convinced herself for a long time that she was living out a horrifying dream—then, she started to worry it was more of a premonition—until enough time passed and she realised it was indeed her reality.

Allison hadn't hurt Lydia—apart from the harsh blow around the head during the kidnapping— but technically, that was Raven.

Allison hadn't tortured the strawberry blonde, in fact—for a hostage, she treated her pretty well. She always gave her breakfast lunch and dinner every day, which was the only parts of the day where she'd take the duct tape off her mouth.

Lydia's eyes were welling up as she looked around, seeing Allison talking to two women in the corner of the dark room. One of which she recognised—Raven Chaseusse. But the blonde woman—Lydia had never seen her before in her life.

"Look, Allison," Raven sighed, slightly annoyed, "I was all in for the big epic revenge scheme you concocted—but I'm starting to get bored."

"That's because you have no patience," Allison scoffed, "That's probably the reason your first attempt to take Aspen Bellator down didn't work—River took the slow, careful, patient approach—and he's the one that earned her trust. You? You got impatient and basically exposed yourself."

"That's not how it happened," Raven murmured under her breath.

"Yeah, it kind of is..." Avery shrugged, her voice thick with her Russian accent.

"Okay well— what has patience got to do with this?" Raven said snappily, "They already know it's us."

"Me." Allison corrected, "They know it's me—and they only know that because I wanted them to."

"Why?" Raven shot back, "You know they could turn you over to the FBI now, right?"

"If the FBI were to pull up my file—it would read 'Allison Argent: deceased'. Not even they could find a way to explain that to the law."

"Yeah, well I'm a fugitive." Raven scoffed, "I broke out of prison—remember?"

"I broke you out." Allison corrected her cousin again.

"I think we just want to know what's up next on the agenda, Argent." the blonde assassin chimed in, "This whole thing seems to be moving very slowly..."

Allison smirked evilly, and then parted ways with the pair and walked slowly and tauntingly over to Lydia who was tied down to a chair on the other side of the room, tears in her eyes falling down her cheeks and onto the duct tape.

"Then why don't we speed this whole thing up a bit..." Allison said, crouching in front of Lydia and slowly cocking her head to the side as she stared into Lydia's eyes in such a manner that gave Lydia chills.

Allison observed Lydia's expression—the teary eyes and the quivering brows of fear.

"Oh Lydia..." Allison said in a much lighter tone, "I'm not gonna hurt you— you've been here long enough to know this isn't about you, right?"

Heartbreak Weather , Stiles Stilinski ⁶ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now