Chapter 276: Geldhart Auction!

Start from the beginning

Before long, everyone was quickly escorted out of their carriage, all eyes swimming towards them. There wasn't even a limelight directed at them, but their gorgeousness already outshone the moon above them. They were the stars of the night.

"We welcome you, Your Lordship, Your Ladyship, and dear guests. We have already prepared your private chamber."

"Very well. Please guide us." [Gerald]

"That would be my greatest pleasure."

And as one would expect from the Mayor and his family, they were quickly greeted as soon as they stepped foot on the red carpet. And as their company, everyone else was also treated with respect, everyone bowing their heads.

Their chamber was the grandest there is. From the comfortable sofas, the beautiful furniture, a premium view, and, of course, the treats prepared. There was everything one could ask for, the room even cooled with the use of special magic tools.

Just a little peak from the chamber and one could easily see the thousands of people participating in the event. There were the gentry, merchants, alchemists, enchanters, and many more. The hall was full of excitement, chandeliers resting on top.

"Dear Guests, I hope you enjoy the event. I will now be taking my leave. Please don't hesitate to call if you ever need something."

"We will keep that in mind. Thank you." [Gerald]

The escort then bowed his head and soon left the private chamber. But the noise has yet to fade. Everyone looked around the room with excitement traced on their faces. They were giggling to themselves, smiles blooming on their faces.

Of course, other than Grey and Yuna, everyone has already attended an auction once or twice, but attending it with everyone else was a first. They enthusiastically told stories about their past experiences, Garret more eager than anyone else.

"And then, there was that one time I brought a sword to this place. It was seriously awesome, Boss, Lady Boss! And it was High-Grade too!" [Garret]

"Quite an interesting story you got there, Garret. Wasn't this the time when you acted like a phantom thief and broke through our vault?" [Gerald]

"Fufu! I was quite shocked why the money was lacking. So it was here that you spent them on. A High-Grade sword, was it?" [Cynthia]

"A-Ah, now that I think about it... I think it was actually Middleー No, Low-Grade...?" [Garret]

Though, as it seems, it looks like there was more to the story than what Garret led everyone to believe. Gerald and Cynthia were smiling, but their eyes were not. It was decided, they're going to have a long and lovely talk after this.

Shenanigans unfolded and excitement only grew. As more and more people entered the auction house, the venue became even louder and livelier. Everyone was now holding onto their paddles, eyes glancing at the stage time and time again.

Click Click Clack

The time for waiting was soon over, and lights illuminated the stage one after another. A fine gentleman walked across the stage, a microphone-like magic tool by his hand. He walked with grace, eyes shining with confidence.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Geldhard's monthly auction! We are very much pleased to see you tonight! And it seems like......" [Auctioneer]

The auctioneer was merry and full with enthusiasm, engaging with the audience as much as he could. With just a couple statements of his, he managed to rile them up, loud cheers booming throughout the air.

He knew full well how to please the audience and explained the rules to them as concisely as he could, making sure everyone understands them. After all, there are also some who are attending for the very first time.

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