Chapter 275: The Girls' Day Out (pt. II)

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"What are these things...? They look so weird... And jiggly like pudding..." [Violet]

"I also don't know... Do you know what this is, Elder Sister Yuna?" [Iris]

"I'm afraid not... It's also the first time I've seen this..." [Yuna]

Of course, just as there are many beautiful and interesting things, there were also weird ones in the mix as well. Now, they are looking at a jello-looking sculpture that wiggles as it moves. They all had their minds on it, when suddenly...

"Ah! Your Hiー I mean, Miss Yuna, you're here!" [Beklaim]

... A familiar voice echoed from behind. It belonged to a stubby and chubby man without a single lick of hair on his head. It was none other than Beklaim, who is currently wandering around the city as he breathes in the excitement.

Yuna didn't even need to think. As soon as she saw Beklaim, she instantly erected a sound-proofing barrier around them. She knew full well how much of a chatterbox the latter can be, after all. It was better safe than never.

"Ah, Mister Beklaim, good afternoon. How have you been doing?" [Yuna]

"Hohoho. Good afternoon too, Miss Yuna. And thankfully, I've been doing well. In fact, I just had one of the most wonderful lunches a few minutes ago." [Beklaim]

"Oh, it seems like we're on the same boat, Mister Beklaim. We just had a lovely picnic lunch over the Marble Gardens." [Yuna]

"Ohh~! The Marble Gardens! I heard it's a wonderful place!" [Beklaim]

"It is. You should go visit sometimes too, Mister Beklaim." [Yuna]

"Hohoho, if Miss Yuna recommends it then it must be so. I will make sure to drop by if I ever have the time. I'm very much looking forward to it." [Beklaim]

The conversation was as friendly as one can be, Yuna and Beklaim simply chatting as they gave updates over what happened over the past few days. And as it seems, the merchants are only growing busier by the day.

"Oh, right, how rude of me. It's good to see you again, Miss Iris." [Beklaim]

"Good to see you again as well, Mister Beklaim. It seems like the metalware business is doing well for you." [Iris]

"That it is. I've been quite lucky lately." [Beklaim]

Of course, they didn't just exclude the others. As soon as he noticed Iris in the corner of his eyes, Beklaim quickly greeted the princess with a slight nod before exchanging greetings with her, laughing as merrily as usual.

After Iris, his eyes then shifted towards yet another young lady. It was his first time seeing her, but knowing she's with Yuna, he quickly concluded that she was a good person. A bright and friendly smile bloomed on his face as he extended his hand.

"I believe this is our first time meeting, Young Miss. The name is Beklaim, an acquaintance of Miss Yuna. It's a pleasure to meet you." [Beklaim]

"Ah, yes, I'm Violet Tobias. The pleasure is mine." [Violet]

The young lady soon extended her hands as well and shook Beklaim's hands. He was smiling so brightly to have met yet another person, but such a smile was short-lived. A realization soon dawned upon him.

"Eh...? Tobias...?" [Beklaim]

Such a name echoed inside his mind time and time again, and his mind was sent to the void, his head empty as one can be. His mind has finally stopped functioning, freezing from a sudden shock as his soul left his body.

YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator's Tale in the Lands of Merusia (2)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt