Start from the beginning

Aspen noticed Jordan's voice sounded joyful and filled with delight, which stopped any horrific feeling of dread she may have otherwise felt at the sound of someone knocking on her door.

Aspen finished putting on her boots and untucked her hair from under her jacket, and yelled "Coming!"

She walked out of the dressing room and out into the grand foyer of the penthouse, turning her head over to the front door to see who it was.

"Oh my God—" her face lit up with ecstatic joy, "Ace?! Derek?!"

Aspen saw the back of Jordan hugging a familiar man— her brother. Derek was stood next to him with his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

The brunette girl ran up to the two men who she hadn't seen or visited in so long, grinning ear to ear as she flung her arms around them into a hug. Jordan smiled, seeing her so happy to see family.

"Hey, you!" Ace grinned as he hugged his little sister, he and Derek finally letting go, leaving Aspen stood in front of them with a stunned and happy look on her face.

"What, um—" she said smiling, "What are you guys doing here?"

"What're you talkin' about?" Derek chuckled, "You invited us, remember?"

Aspen's eyebrows quivered, and while she didn't look back to meet Jordan's gaze—the Hayes man looked confused too.

"I did?" Aspen replied, not recalling.

It was that moment that a thought slipped into her head— not a good one. Malia recently got a bartending job in New York—Kira just suddenly got a work transfer to Aspen's law firm, Scott was here— she was here— and Stiles just got framed for murder.

And now Ace and Derek were in New York too— Aspen couldn't help but notice something odd going on...

"Uh, yeah," Ace's brows furrowed, digging into his pocket and taking out the wedding invite and handing it to her, "You don't remember sending me this?"

Aspen read the words on the card — SAVE THE DATE for the wedding of ASPEN BELLATOR and JORDAN HAYES - 17th November, Manhattan, NY.

Even if her and Jordan had set a date— she never would've sent a card like that.

Aspen was at a loss for what to do and say because Jordan was standing right behind her.

"Uh..." she hesitated, looking around at the three men a little frantically, "We haven't— we haven't actually set a date yet, I probably sent this when I was drunk or something..."

Drunk or something? That was the best she could come up with?

Aspen locked eyes with her brother—and she could tell he was catching on to the fact something else was going on here.

Ace had suspected something off about the invite when he first saw it.

"But I'm so glad you guys are here, though!" Aspen said cheerily, shrugging, "Um— you're welcome to stay in the guest room for however long you wanna stay in town?" she then turned to Jordan— "It's okay if they stay here, right?"

Jordan shrugged agreeably, "Sure— I'll uh... I'll go set up guest bed."

Aspen gave him a brief smile and nod as Jordan left the room—and once he was out of ear shot, Aspen turned back to Ace and Derek with an alarmed look.

"Who sent you this?" she asked at a low but urgent volume, holding up the invite in front of them.

"Well, we thought you did..." Derek replied, now realising Ace had a point when he suspected something weird about the invitation.

Heartbreak Weather , Stiles Stilinski ⁶ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now