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Suni was litreally not expecting it so soon.

She knew at one point this will come when she and her mom needs to talk things out but right now was something never in her mind.

Nevertheless, she agreed.

Suni: Okay, we can. In my room?

Suzy nodded and follow Suni.

Suni: Have a sit.

Suzy sat on one side of bed next to Suni.

Suzy: Your room is well maintained.

Suni: Yea, I don't like to keep things messy.

Suni: And I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't meant to shout at you it was just a moment that came surfacing.

Suzy: I understand and you don't need to be sorry. Any how it was my fault for not coming back. But I've reason.

Suni: I know, you wouldn't take such heavy step against for family it'll have some good solid reason.

Suzy: We've time for that tho. I'll say the reason later, but can we talk like mother daughter bonding??

Suni nodded.

Suzy: You've grew up so much. You are such a big girl now. You must be 19 right??

Suni: I'll next month.

Suzy: Yeah. I'm still very sorry, I didn't play much of a part in your childhood and I never knew what you like and dislikes. Worst mother award should be given to me.

She said as tears started leaving her eyes.

Suni just hugged her mom knowing she just need comfort right now.

Suni: Eomma...

Suni: Don't say such things. You are not the worst mom. Yea, you are not best too cause I haven't seen you taking care of me.

Suni:So stop crying and shower me with your love. So I know how you are good mom and than I'll decide which award should be given to you.

She said wiping her tears.

Suzy: You have really humour of your appa and your eldest brother.

Suni: Well, what can I say.

Suzy laughed along with Suni.

Suni: Now your part of story, cause no more tears left to cry.

Again a melodious laughs were shared.

Suzy: Ok. So,

When, that blast happen I was able to go out of car just before time. So it was like if I'll take my foot away from brake it'll blast so I got a scarf from backseat and I tied it in a way that if I'll take foot away it'll take few seconds before it come to it's original position and it'll blast off.

As I took my foot away and I jumped out from a car it blast so I suppose it was 30 second.

Soundly I was safe except for few scratches here and there.

Afterwards I went to a secret apartment which my parents brought for me during my last year of highschool.

Nobody knew about that place.

I thought about that situation over and over again knowing who can those people be and who can be behind attack that led us here.

After few weeks it clicked me it must have all doing of Bo-ah. As I've told her about our location and noone else.

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