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After dinner one of their guards drop me too my apartment. Well more like to pack my all things again and shift to their base.


After few days of Suni shifting to Seventeen base, her training period was accelerated.

She was good with hacking and medics so they just train her for half an hour. Later her whole day was spent in Combat arena and Shooting range.

It was already 6 months she's been here and they give her some missions too and sometimes let her join their mission.

She was missing her brothers and not having any contact with them for half a year.

Well on BTS side, they were still finding where Boha is.

Suga: Guys come down ASAP!! It's important!!!

Jin: Why are you yelling yoongi and what's the matter??

He said coming out from dad's office.

Slowly everyone came downstairs.

Jungkook: What happen Yoongi hyung??

Suga: We got Boah's Location.

Everyone were shock.

Jimin: Where's that bitch??

Suga: NYC. One of our men's there found her roaming in mall.

V: Should we get going then??

Jhope: We need a plan Tae.

He sighed. Well on sudden someone's phone rang.


I decided to call them. Today. 

Last night we were in club for the mission and I saw someone familiar but I didn't get to know him.

Well I'll look for him later.

I called Namjoon oppa.

Ring.. Ringg..

RM: Hello.??

Suni: Oppa..

RM: Suni, is that you??

Suni: Yes, oppa.

RM: Baby, how are you?? Are you doing well?? Do you need money?? Should we come to you??

I chuckled hearing so many questions.

Suni: Oppa I'm fine. And I'm taking great care of mine. I don't need money I'm earning well here. And lastly you don't need to come here. There are some people who help me. They're just like you guys caring and protective.

RM: Good to hear. But whom you're living with??

Suni: Se-

RM: Hyung that's not fair.

Suga: Sugar, how are you my dear??

Suni: I'm good, oppa. I miss you guys hear.

Suga: We miss you too Sugar. When are you coming back??

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