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The car collapsed in a way that it flied meters back.

Everyone surrounded the scene. Phones were out either for calling media or clicking pictures. Noone called Ambulance. Until someone furiously called Ambulance and yelled at fellow citizens for not calling ambulance.

He was successfully taken out of the car. After taking him to hospital, in few seconds car blast up.

After quite a time media came and started recording the accident.

News spread like a wind. Of course, the biggest business man of country got into accident.

At BTS side;

They have entered the seoul few minutes back. Some where sleeping while some where talking.

Until, eldest's phone rang. It was from the HQ.

He picked up but phone slipped from his hands, the world collapsed. Looking at his actions confusingly, Yoongi decided to takeover call.

It was same until RM takeover. Maknaes were impatient about the news that hyung line have received and we're shocked to speak a word.

RM hanged up before letting his doseangs hear the news.

Ofcourse the news was about Mr.Kim's accident.

JK: What's wrong?? Will you guys tell us??

JIMIN: Yes please tell us.

RM:, g..otte..n acci...dent.

He managed saying a thing they never imagined.

V: Hyung please tell us this is prank.

JIN: Taehyung-ahh it's not. It's true.

He finally broked down, not able to fight back his tears. Hoseok was already sobbing. Yoongi and Jungkook was having neutral expression. RM knows he needs to look for everybody, he can't cry now when his brothers need him. About 95z it was hard to tell. They were not crying not even shedding a single tear but the pain,hurt was emmiting through their faces.

They were on their way to hospital. Which was unexpectedly a long ride.


At Suni's Side;

I was playing games with all the maknaes. We were chilling for so long. Hyungs were with HHJ catching up with everyone. They were in living room.

Initially maknaes got hungry so decided to bring some snacks as they have miss lunch after having brunch.

So one to go downstairs were Suni, Jaemin and Hendry.

While on a way news were on a living room television, where only one news was going on.

If it was other day, Suni may have ignored it. But listening to his appa's name calling out, it caught her attention.

As world seems stopped for her, she was gonna fall of stairs but Hendry was quick enough to handle her. Her loud scream echoed throughout the house, caughting everyone's attention.

Everyone came running towards the direction, only to see her shaking uncontrollably in Hendry's arms.

She was crying so much that noone was able to make her quite.

Not finding solution, Taeyong called Jin. After few rings he picked up.

Taeyong: Hello hyung, please come fast. Suni-

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