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After meeting everyone left to their room for sleep... Suni woke up panting as she had nightmare of someone burning in flames..
SUNI: What was that??? Who was that person who burn??? And why this headaches are not going!!??
She said gruntly. She wasn't going to sleep anyways, when she looked at the time it was just 5 in the morning!! She lazily get up and did quick routine. She covered her bruises with makeup and went downstairs to cook breakfast for everyone..
She was halfway of making breakfast when Jin enter,
JIN: Princess what are you doing?? You need to rest, if you forgot you had high fever yesterday night..
He said with fake anger...
SUNI: Oppa I'm fine now Joon oppa gave me medicine for morning and I've it and I don't have fever anymore..
Jin nodded
JIN: Any help???
SUNI: yes, arrange the table for me!!
She said doing some aegyo!!! Jin laughed and nodded and went towards dinning room...
In 15 min she was done making breakfast and she and Jin took the breakfast to table.
Today is Wednesday so maids and Butlers have holiday from kitchen!!
Soon everyone came to dining room and were awe by the aroma of food..
JK: Woww Jin hyung its first time your food smells this good
Makanes nodded.
JIN: What you mean my breakfast always smells good..
JK: Hyung no denies your breakfast always smells good but this one is extra good smell.
JIN: It would because Suni made today's breakfast.
Everyone started bickering how sweet of and someone started with how you should rest you are I'll and all!!
Everybody shut their mouth
JIN: She don't have fever and she had took the medicine..
Everyone nodded.
TAE: Hyung can we eat now??
Jin nodded and everyone started filling their plates. And started munching happily.


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