Chapter 273: The Hunt for Colors

Start from the beginning

They may be the lowest variant amongst the Cyclopes, but they were still E-rank monsters. Breaking hones with a single swing is not difficult for them. They are already quite powerful by normal standards. Though, in front of Yuna...

《Ice Lance!》 [Yuna]


... It was all meaningless. They were powerless all the same.

Before they could even react, an icicle of blue already appeared before them at great speeds, and without much effort, it pierced one of the lesser cyclopes' eyes, a loud screech full of pain and misery echoing in the air.

But Yuna didn't just stop there. As soon as she landed the first strike, she quickly zoomed towards them, closing the distance so that she could release a torrent of merciless slashes with her daggers.


Another slash, another booming bellow. As blood dyed the forest grounds red, the flames of hatred started to light ablaze in the Cyclopes' eyes. Their attention was now focused on the young lady, snarling at her.

A Lesser Cyclops tried to grab her with its large hands, but before it could even reach her, she suddenly landed yet another strike on the wrist, letting more blood spill as she kicked up a cloud of dust in her wake.

《Icicle Shotgun!》 [Yuna]

The curtain of dust was cleared and a volley of icicles greeted the Lesser Cyclops, piercing its eyes, chest, limbs, and many more. A loud thud soon echoed throughout the air as it fell helplessly, flames of life flickering then disappearing.

'Phew... That was much easier than I thought...' [Yuna]

Thought the young as she watched one of the Lesser Cyclopes' bodies disintegrate back into mana. She had already toned down her strength to match theirs, but she was still overpowering them. It was a little disappointing to be frank.

"Yuna, the battle's not over yet." [Grey]

"I know!" [Yuna]

As soon as Yuna finished her words, a large fist came hurling towards her, coming from the Lesser Cyclops which just received a volley of slashes to Yuna. As for the blinded one, it was now swinging its arms aimlessly.


Unfortunately for them, Yuna's reflexes were simply too fast for their sake. Before the Lesser Cyclops could even launch an attack, she already dodged it, making it hit the ever so solid ground, and a crater was formed.

Of course, what followed was the after attack. With the Lesser Cyclops's injuries, it couldn't even follow Yuna's movements. Before it even noticed, Yuna had already appeared behind its back like a phantom appearing out of thin air.

《Swift Guillotine!》 [Yuna]

With a swift slash of her blades, the enemy was quickly decapitated, heading flying off to the air as a fountain of blood spilled all over the place. Its large body soon fell towards the ground, a heavy thud resounding in the air. Now, only one remained.

《Icicle Shotgun!》 [Yuna]

Though not for long. With a simple wave of her hand, an array of icicles appeared out of thin air, soon darting as quick as lightning as they lunged towards the last enemy. A pained shriek echoed as it was put out of its misery.

Soon, the forest was back to normal, not a single monster to be seen. Their bodies have already vanished into thin air, only leaving behind their drops as proof of their short-lived existence. There weren't many, but it was more than enough.

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