"i'll start!" a girl stepped forward over a bucket, holding her right arm up in the air.

i grab my phone and press record quickly. this is how the conversation went:

P: hi, um, are you recording this?

N: yeah, sorry, is that ok?

P: that's fine, just got a bit freaked out

N: take your time, why don't we start off easy?

P: ok

N: alright, so, how old are you?

P: i'm 13

N: geez, and how old were you when you first came here?

P: probably 8, maybe 9

N: what happened?

P: i don't really remember it exactly but it went something like this. i was at school, minding my own business. my sister lydia was going to pick me up from school and i thought nothing off it until i felt a sharp pain in the back of my neck

N: the sharp pain? was it a drug? a knife? a sleeping jab?

P: i don't know, but the next thing, i woke up here, the was nobody here except for a man with dark hair, wearing a grey hoodie

N: does this guy match your description? (i pulled out a picture of howie bennett and she nodded looking up and down at the photo

P: that's him, that's who i remember anyways

N: this guy here, his name is howie bennett, he used to be a teacher at east high but your school, your old school? what school was it?

P: salt lake grammar school

N: hmm, so this guy, do you suspect that he's a teacher or a parent?

P: i honestly don't know but probably teacher

N: ok do you know lily keegan? or have you come across her?

"i have!" a blonde haired girl stepped forward and my eyes widened.


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