so i finally got ashlyn to talk to me and this is how our voice recording went:

N: hi ash, thank you for agreeing to talk to me? is there anyone else in the house at the moment (i ask, secretely praying that gina isn't in the house)

A: nope, just me, g went out to hang out with someone

N: who? did she say who it was?

A: nope, sorry, i wish i knew, gina just has been very private over things lately and i have no idea why

i know why... and this mystery person could easily be four people

1) ricky (pretty self-explanatory)
2) ej?
3) lily? i'm not ruling out that gina could have potentially killed her/know where she is and she could even be alive right now
4) howie bennett (it's a very slim chance butt if howie is interested in younger girls, gina could easily be getting roped into his games)

N: so have you heard anything from ej? he hasn't responded to my texts in a while

A: no actually... it's super weird and it's not like ej at all, he always responds to my texts

N: has his parents heard from him?

A: his parents quite frankly don't care, i mean, they named him elton john caswell

N: ok good point, is there any reason why they don't care for ej though

A: apparently his grades were slipping and because ej refused to go to the college that his dad wanted him to go to, he got mad

crazy thought: could ej's parents know where ej is or is it just my mind making judgements again?

it could have been a stupid, little argument that i may be blowing out of proportion but i need to ask more questions so that i can rule out or add more people to my persons of interest list.

N: wow, so after the argument, did you hear from ej?

A: of course i did, the argument occurred a week before the party at ricky's house and he texted me saying that he'd meet me there but after that, he went off and did his own thing at the party

N: ok so the party? was there anything that seemed odd? suspicious?

A: there were a few things that made me question if this party was a good idea like when ricky went to dance with gina in the back of the room

N: were people drunk at the party?

A: oh yeah, there were so many kids who were drinking, there were even rumours that someone had spiked girls drinks, luckily for me, i managed to stay away from that

N: do you know who may have spiked the drinks?

A: the only person who really comes to mind is ricky, i mean, he killed lily after all

N: ok, but, did he even talk to lily that night or was he mainly with gina?

A: umm, well, he was mainly with gina but gina left with ej

N: sorry, gina left with ej?

A: yeah, did i not mention that before?

N: no you didn't...

A: oh sorry but yeah, gina left with ej

N: who did you leave with though?

A: i left with this boy called big red

N: big red?

A: yeah, he used to be friends with ricky

N: are they not close now?

A: i don't think so, why?

N: no reason, umm, just one more question, who did lily leave with?

A: i don't know, maybe ricky walked her home? might have been a family friend

omg woah... howie bennett is a family friend and there is no way, no way that ricky could have walked lily's home, especially if the party took place in his own home.

A: is that everything you needed to ask me?

N: that's it, thanks ash

A: bye

ok, one thing is clear, ricky is definitely not guilty. but i do need to speak to him over the spiking thing, this conversation has helped me gain knowledge and i'm grateful

howie bennett, i'm coming for your ass

Persons of Interest

Howie Bennett
Gina Porter
Big Red?
Lily's Parents?

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