so you might as well call me a insomniac now because guess what? i haven't slept all week because as my persons of interest list increases, so does the million and one thoughts that rush through my head while i'm trying to sleep.

ricky is concerned for me, though i have no idea why. i have to admit, he's actually really sweet and he often sends me goodnight texts messages but they don't appear to be working anymore.

nothing works anymore but everything sure hurts a lot more than it used to.

ever since i saw those tweets from ash, it's been impossible to find the right people to spend time with in school. must to my dismay, maddox is still hanging out with ashlyn, gina and seb, which just makes things 10x harder.

"here's this week's school work, mr bowen" i smile sadly at him as he lets me into his home.

"neens, you didn't have to do this, you already have so much on your plate"

"it's nothing, i have sats in a week, my college application is due on friday and i'm investigating a murder so this was nothing" i slide the homework in front of him, getting up to look at my study notes.

"nini, be honest with me, have you eaten anything today?"

"of course i have, if you count a half eaten sandwich"

"is that all you've eaten?"

"i'm not hungry, i don't have an appetite, anyways sooo..."

"nini, stop working for one second and look at me" his voice is firm, almost as though he's mad at me.

"ricky, it's nothing, i'm fine, just don't worry about me, i can handle this"

"can you though?" i open my mouth quickly to say something but nothing comes out.

"nini, tell me what's going on in that head of yours?"

"nothing, like i said, i'm fine, i'm tough, i can survive this"

i really don't want him to talk again, i want him to accept that i'm fine and move on. i'm totally fine, i'm slowly figuring out this case day by day and...

i drop my phone, my face turning paler by the minute and ricky, unfortunately, notices this

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i drop my phone, my face turning paler by the minute and ricky, unfortunately, notices this.

"nini, you're worrying me, is everything ok?"

we're in deep, deep trouble...

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