to see lily's sister at ashlyn's fancy dress party wasn't the most surprising part. ok, well, that's a lie because it was a bit suprising but not as suprising as her hanging out with thomas barkley.

thomas is a senior, he's apparently one of, if not, the popular guys in north high. when i was a cheerleader in my freshman year, however, there were a lot, and i mean a lot of allegations about thomas barkley.

there were rumours that he got this girl pregnant and when she told her that she was, he pushed her down a flight of stairs. whether it's true or not is another matter but either way, why is tilly hanging out with him when there is a very high possibility that he could do the exact same thing to her?

"i'm going over there!" i told ricky when i feel his hand on my wrist pulling me back towards him with an urgent look in his eyes.

"nini, i swear to god, you are not going over there!" 

"why not? i understand that you feel the need to protect me but i'm nearly 18" he looked mad, like really really mad and maybe i stepped over my boundaries or maybe i crossed over the line to his broody and mysterious heart!

that sounded like something straight out of a shakespeare play, nice one nini!

"the thing is nini, i don't have to protect you at all but because you're so reckless and you ended up getting your ass kicked last time, i feel as though i have to, plus you're a girl-"

"stop that thought, i know you are a male and sometimes, you just say things for the hell of it, but just face it, if i was a man, you wouldn't be saying all that shit and nonsense, so piece of advice bowen, don't underestimate the things that i can do to you and to all those people who are talking bullcrap about us, got it?" his mouth opens to say something but then he shuts it again and i take it as my cue to finally talk to tilly.

i run quickly, my feet hurting because let's just say that six-inch heel boots aren't the most pratical thing to run in and noticed the blonde haired girl-


ew god-

help my poor eyes-

yep you guessed it, the two were full on kissing and it was one of the most uncomfortable thing i had to witness but let's just blame it on the alcohol. 


"ahh, for god's sake bowen, stop sneaking up on me like that!" i whisper yell, half of my attention on ricky but on the scene that was playing out in front of us.

"oh wow, they really are-"

"don't bother finishing that sentence, it's better if you don't"

"now get the hell out of here!" i yelled, the two breaking away from their kiss to look at us in the eye.

uh oh...

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