my heart is racing as i drive past the place where lily was last seen. this is a stupid idea, i know, but if the police are convinced that ricky killed her but haven't even gone to the source, what on earth am i supposed to think?

apparently, ricky lived two doors down from lily so it would seem that they went to each other's houses an awful lot, maybe to do... yeah let's not talk about that, it's disgusting and definitely not pg!

i reluctantly get out of the car, i have to talk to him, it might give me more answers as to what really happened that night, just baby steps and oh...

"uh hi? what are you doing here at my house?"

"you're richard bowen aren't you?"

"yeah i am, listen kid, if you're hear to force me to talk to the police, i'm not interested" he tells me, closing the door slightly.

nuh uh, i'm not ruining my chance!

"wait! i uh, i don't know how to say this other than to just say it but i don't believe that you're guilty" my foot keeping the door more adjacent than it was before.

"what? is this a prank?"

"no no, i uh, can i come in, it'll be better if i just explained" i tell him as he sighs, opening the door, whilst i quickly grab my phone out of my blazer pocket and hit record.

evidence hehe! que us talking as of right now!

R: make yourself comfortable but not too comfortable, i'm worried that you're an undercover spy person

i might slowly be becoming that but as of right now, he doesn't need to know about that!

N (me): oh no, you can trust me, i believe that everyone deserves an equal chance at forgiveness

R: that's kinda pointless but ok then

N: it's another way of saying that i believe that you're innocent, unless there is a reason that makes me believe that you're guilty, you're alright in my books

R: wow, i uh, thanks i guess...

he pauses, could mean he is hiding something or could mean that he's actually amazed that someone believes him. either way, i'm stalling and i need to be subtle with my questions

N: so uh, are your parents home?

R: nah, they never really were. my mom moved out when i was what? 15 maybe 16? i don't know, all i know is that my mom saw me as a disappointment and moved to chicago

N: and your dad?

R: ummm.... he was my best friend, my rock but as soon as i was framed for being a murderer, he left

N: so you're living on your own? in hiding?

R: yeah...

N: have you ever thought about running away? i mean the police know your address and everything

R: i mean i want to but where would i go? i just have to remain quiet at all times

quiet? hmm, he could either mean quiet and not say anything about lily's remains or he could be trying to avoid the police because there is a fear that they'll get the wrong guy and he'll spend the rest of his life in a prison cell

N: quiet? what do you mean by that?

R: like i can't go to school anymore because the police want me one way or another

N: ricky, you can't live your life like this

R: there's no other way (he sniffles and to me it seems like he's being genuine but i need more answers but i'll try and disguise that by getting myself a drink)

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