so, i gotta talk to ricky and i'm more scared about speaking to him this time than last time.

why? oh because i'm going to confront him about his little fling with gina. truthfully, i don't want to because i don't believe that ricky is a terrible guy but something seems weird and wrong so here i am, my pisces notebook in hand standing by the door as i wait, listening to music on my airpods-

"nini, what are you doing here?"

"sorry, sorry, just um, bored and i have more evidence that i really need to ask you about"


"please don't be mad um, can i come in?" i ask him as the look on his face drops as he looks at me with confusion.

"uh sure?" he opens the door wider for me as i pin him against the wall, kick the door shut with my foot and hold his wrists so he can't move.

"nini, what are you doing? are you ok?"

"nope, i'm just making sure that as soon as i ask you this, you won't run away, so, let me ask you this and you have to reply truthfully"

"and if i don't?"

"you can face a 25 year imprisonment, it's up to you but i could easily turn you in to the police right now"

"ok, sorry ma'am" i smile at him still holding his wrists but loosening the pressure slightly, just so his circulation isn't fully cut off.

"let's cut to the chase, did you have a thing for gina"

"uh i.."

"answer the question bowen, yes or no?"

"geez, you're fiesty"

"richard, answer the goddamm question!" i yell at him as he sighs reluctantly and nods in shame.

"huh, i knew it"

"knew what?"

"knew that there was still something suspicious about you, guess my assumption was correct, good day ricky" i tell him walking away as he grabs my wrist and pulls me closer to him.


"what ricky?" his eyes are staring into mine and i can't help but feel numb in a weird, comforting way.

"just hear me out, ok, i promise that i'll try not to be cocky anymore, i'm just tired of the death threats and i know that you want to believe me but i'm making it harder, i'm sorry"

"ricky, i..."

"me and gina were never ever meant to happen, i swear, but it only happened when we kissed in seven minutes of heaven, it didn't mean anything to me, i felt guilty but gina, gina wanted lily to be hurt"

"hurt? how?"

"i don't know but she told me to never speak about this because of ej..."

"ej, omg-"


"he.. he isn't picking up my texts, something is seriously wrong with him"

"do you think that ej had some involvement with this?" his eyes bounce back and forth between me and the wall.

"eyes over here bowen" i snap my fingers in front of his face with my free hand as he eventually lets go off my other hand, running his fingers through his curls.

"i mean, it's possible but what about howie bennett? isn't he on your persons of interest list?"

"indeed he is but something seems suspiciously weird about ej"

"weird how?"

"i know ej, probably better than his own cousin, he always picks up the phone but everytime i try to reach out, it goes straight to an error code, stating that he blocked me"

"he blocked you? or did you block him?"

"he blocked me, i would never ever block ej, he's my best friend, well, one of them"

"we are close because of gina but maddox, my friend stated that he didn't attend the party the night lily went missing" i add dramatic effect to freak him out and it appears to be working.

"could he have gotten missing? or even had some involvement in lily's disappearance and death?"

"i thought of that but i'd rather not" i told him.

ej is a good guy, i doubt that he would have either killed or hurt lily. but there is every possibility that he was aware of gina and ricky's fling and that sparks the big question.

"did ej know about you and gina?" i ask him, he's silent, almost as though i've clocked something in his brain and he is desperate to spit it out but his own subconsciousness is fighting against him.

"i.. i think? i don't really know!"

"ok, well, looks like we have to go to plan b!" i tell him, my pisces notebook opening on my page logs of the case so far.

"woah, what's that? a villain origin book?"

"no tiny hamster, this is in fact my logs of the case, featuring other evidence and well, it's a place where i can track important information"

"as you already know from our previous conversations, i'm not ruling out howie bennett but now, it seems as though we have to talk to gina"

"what?? no, we are not doing that nini, she hates me"

"and she hates me too but considering that you two had a make out session, she's more likely to want to talk to you"

"you are crazy.. you are-" i hold the phone out in front of him and when it finally stops ringing, it's his turn to answer.

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