"nini?" it was 2am, i know what you're probably thinking. ideally, i should get some sleep but my brain is going at 100000 miles per hour and who need sleeps?

definitely not me! 

but this is my choice, i climbed in through a window and now, i almost gave ricky bowen a heart attack. in other words, my reckless decision making took over and i have to live with my pathetic choices.

"what are you doing here? why are you here? it's 2am, you've got to be kidding me right now!"

"i'll answer those questions in a minute but right now, i have more evidence about unknown and i'm not kidding, this evidence is straight up facts" ricky sits up from his bed, adjusting his eyes from the light which i turned on roughly two minutes ago.

"you're insane!"

"i know!" i say sarcastically.

"why do you have bugs bunny pyjamas on right now?" he smiles, looking at my pyjamas.

"why not? bugs bunny is just superior!" he laughs as i sit by the foot of his bed, trying my best not to lose the will to live.

"ok, so, your assumption was that unknown was a cult and that there were multiple people involved but today, around 10:30pm, i received a text from unknown and it stated go to hell"

"the last message from unknown said stop searching nina, you're going to end up dead soon so i thought, what if there a people involved/joining in every message they send"

"so what are you saying?"

"i need your help"

"i thought you said a few days ago that you didn't need my help, that you felt empowered"

"well now i do, and i hate to admit it but you're actually pretty smart"

"i am, aren't i?" he looks all cocky and i want to wipe that stupid smirk of his face right now.

"ow, why did you just punch me?"

"because you're a bit too cocky"

"and you're not?"

"i'm quirky, there is a huge difference there!" he smiles and strokes his thumb against my cheek.

"never change nini" 


"i'll try not to, point is, we need to be smart about this, i already have a small group of people who could be involved but considering that you were popular, you might be able to work out who is involved more than i will"

"ok, who have you got some far?"

"go to hell, go spells out gina, oliver, lily's cousin, to spells out tilly keegan or thomas barkley, and i'm not sure about the other o, hell spells out howie bennett, ej caswell, lily and-"

"lynne? my mom?" his eyes widen as i trace over the other l again.


"my mom could be involved, her name begins with l and she always saw me as an embarassment, she was cheating on my dad with some guy called todd but what if, what if, all along, she was secretly involved in some cult?"

he's right... he is nothing but right.

"wait a minute, stop searching nina, you're going to end up dead soon, who could be involved in that?"

"s i don't know, t could definitely be todd, o, not sure, p not sure"

"ok, well, stop is cleary confusing us, how about searching?"

"well we don't know about s or e but a could be ashlyn?"

holy crap-

"woah, r could be red too!"

"maybe we're looking into this too much nini"

"no! we're getting closer to the truth!"

"i know but my brain at 2am doesn't function properly"

"fine, then we'll function somewhere else"

"what are you?"

"get your coat, we're going to see the world at night and maybe, we can spy on those people who may be downright suspicious"

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