Alois Trancy

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You felt warm, even though you couldn't see anything but darkness. Your skin felt soft and almost as if the comforting warmth of your parents had embraced you. There was no sound around you, and it was peaceful wherever you were. So, in the thought process, you knew you weren't at the Trancy or Phantomhive manor, but that left the question: where were you? 

   " Y/n, wake up! I want to see your eyes! "

The voice that shouted was cheerful and bright. You could tell this person, whoever they were, was happy. Slowly you opened your eyes, only to shut them again. The sun was on top of you, shoving its bright rays in your face. Sitting up, you started to feel what you were lying on. It was soft, yet prickly, underneath your body. 

In order not to blind yourself again, you covered your eyes before opening them. Then one by one, you lifted one finger out of your vision to slowly adjust to the bright light.

   ' Where am I? '

You were utterly confused. One moment you were at the Trancy Manor, but now you were in a grass field with dandelions littering the lime-green grass. There were trees around that gave the landscape some spice, but not enough to be called a forest. 

   " There you are silly! "

To your left, you turned your head and looked at the person speaking to you. The bright blue eyes and blonde hair told you who was talking to you. But instead of being in his usual fancy purple attire, he wore comfortable and breathable clothes. 

   " Alois? Where are we? "

   " It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we're together! I'm glad to finally be rid of that god-forsaken place. "

Alois hugged your side, nuzzling his head against yours. His blonde locks were soft, and his skin shined under the sunlight, but you still couldn't determine where you were. Finally, you pulled your head away from Alois's nuzzling and looked into his blue eyes.

   " But, what happened to Ciel? Sebastian? And what about--"

   " None of that matters anymore. All that matters is we're here! "

   " Jim! "

Behind Alois, a smaller voice called for Jim. The boy was young, not older than twelve. His hair was orange, and he wore rags but smiled, looking toward Alois.

   " Jim, is this her!? " The boy asked, running to Alois's side.

   " It is, Luka! You finally get to meet the love of my life! " Alois said, smiling. 

Alois opened his arms, and the young boy jumped into Alois's arms, hugging the man. The blonde hugged the little boy tightly with a smile on his face. Then, Alois slightly pulled away and looked at you calmly.

   " And call me Jim, not Alois. And this is Luka! "

   " Hi, lady! We've been waiting a long time for you. " Luka said with a smile. 

   " Hi. Aloi-Jim, I am confused. Where are we? "

   " I said it doesn't matter where we are as long as we're together! "

Jim pulled you close and hugged you, smiling down at you. Luka stayed in Jim's arms but soon maneuvered out of Jim's hold and ran around the dandelions, picking them, then throwing them into the air. The sun was warm, but your red face was warmer due to being close to Jim. 

   " I have the only people I'll ever need with me, so it doesn't matter where everyone else is. They're all garbage anyway, leaving me behind. . .even Claude would leave me in the end. So, who cares about everyone else? I don't need them, just you and Luka. "

Jim, lifted your face with his no longer free hand and rested his forehead against yours. Seeing Jim so calm perplexed you. In the Trancy Manor, Alois was chaotic, running around the manor, shouting obscured demands, and never stopping for a moment to breathe. But Jim, here, was calm, and he still acted like the old Alois, but his entire demeanor had calmed down a few notches. 

   " We're finally free of that wretched world. Finally. . ." 

Jim leaned forward and placed his soft lips against yours in a sweet kiss. The kiss wasn't long, but it wasn't short. And when your lips separated from his, he kept his face close to yours, and you could feel his breath fanning your lips. 

   " Hey! Come look at this flower! "Luka shouted, grabbing both your and Jim's attention. 

Jim smiled and turned towards Luka, raising his hand from your face and waving at him.

   " Right o! "

Taking your hands in his, Jim stood up and started walking towards the young boy. You followed Jim without words, and when you got to Luka, he was holding a white flower different from all the other dandelions. The flower's petals looked soft and wavy as if the wind had molded the big petals. The petals were as white as snow, and the pollen in the center added to the beauty of the flower. 

   " That's a funny flower. It's different from all the other ones! " Jim said, looking down at the flower. 

   " It is! That's why I like it! " Luka shouted.

You looked between the two boys and felt a sense of calmness in your chest, being where you were and being with them. Seeing the two smile at each other, as close brothers, would make you feel warm and uplifted. The questions of where and why you were there left your mind, and you focused on the smiling faces of the two brothers in front of you. 

   ' This is where I need to be. '

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