Chapter 18: After Learning the Past

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When you woke up, you were back in Undertaker's shop, but you were not in a bed, but a casket. You sat up and realized the casket you were in was the one Undertaker rested in when you came to greet him. You looked at the clock on the wall and realized that you had been asleep for hours. To confirm this, the sun was gone outside, and it was dark. 

   " Good you're awake, Deary! My tea was going to start getting cold. "

You looked toward another casket, where Undertaker was sitting. In his hand was a mug filled with tea that still had steam coming from the top. 

   " Undertaker, when did we arrive? It was still daylight when I went to sleep. "

   " We arrived here late. The house was far away, wasn't it? By the time we got here, it was sunset, and you were still asleep. "

   " Did you carry me in? "

   " Who else, Deary? " Undertaker laughed

   " Then where is--"

   " Too many questions! Too many questions! "

Undertaker stood up from his coffin and handed you his mug of tea. He patted the bottom of the mug, still smiling at you.

   " Now, drink up, Deary. "

You didn't reply, but you did start to drink the tea. Then, you looked at the wooden casket you were sitting in and realized something. The casket was big enough for somebody your height and weight.

   " Undertaker! Did you fit me for a casket!? " You yelled.

   " I was bored while you slept. So, I thought I would do something worth my time. "

You shook your head, with a smile appearing on your face. Undertaker was indeed a strange man, but he made you smile when you needed it. Then, Undertaker started busying himself by packing a few things for tomorrow's Winter Festival. You could spot his eyes behind his grey bangs as he walked around. They looked like a bright emerald green.

   " Undertaker? "

   " Yes, Deary? "

   " Are your eyes green? "

   " Why yes, they are! The color of spring leaves they say. "

Undertaker smiled brightly at you, and after finishing your tea, you decided to head home, relax, and rest for the remainder of the night. Your carriage was waiting for you outside Undertaker's shop, ready to depart when you wanted to leave. You felt bad for your driver because he didn't get a break today. You turned toward Undertaker, smiling gratefully at him.

   " Thank you, Undertaker, for helping me today. I really appreciate it. "

   " Do, come visit again, Deary. I enjoy our time together. "

   " I will, I hope everything goes well for you tomorrow. "

You turned to step into your carriage, but Your upper arm was taken by Undertaker, and you were turned around again. Undertaker took one of your hands and held it up towards his face. He covered your hand with his free hand and continued to smile at you.

   " And remember Deary, what you learned today was in the past. Leave what was in the past in the past. Do not bring it to the future. Little lover boy, cannot move on from the past until he has his revenge. But those Harveys are dead and their souls, are long gone. Though you can cry now and weep, leave the revenge, hatred, and all of those feelings in the past. Or they will hurt you now. "

You took in Undertaker's words and let them soak into your brain. Finally, you nodded to Undertaker and gripped his hand tightly, placing your other hand on top of his.

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