Chapter 32: It's Over

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Your body didn't feel the same. Something felt wrong.

Upon awakening, you felt different. You felt weak, but your limbs felt heavy like you couldn't lift them, even if you tried. Your vision swirled above you, so you closed your eyes again, trying to regain your senses. The sound of a door opening grabbed your attention, and you opened your eyes. You tried to move your body to sit but couldn't; your wrists and ankles were bound to your platform; your body felt too heavy to move. Moving a finger took too much effort, but you could move your head. You looked around and felt fear grow in your heart. 

Your body was lying on a metal table in the center of a round room. Underneath you was a symbol drawn in white, but you couldn't read the writing on the floor. There were three cages behind you, filled with the missing children, but their eyes looked blank like they couldn't process what was happening around them. There were pillars and rows of seats around you.

   ' What the hell is this? '

You looked toward the doors that opened at the top of the white staircase and spotted Ciel, pointing a gun at a bandaged and crippled man's head while Sebastian was restraining Joker's hands.

Ciel, however, was shaking. His body shook upon seeing the room, his trauma returned to him, and he felt all of the memories from that month come back. And seeing your body on the table in the center of the room made his blood burn. Joker looked at you lying on the table and realized that 'father' had planned to steal you from the point of entering the manor. Joker's own heart lurched seeing your weak body on the table.

   " I'm afraid it took me three years to get ready. " The bandaged man said, smiling toward Ciel.

You could hear them talking, but just barely. Your body felt weak and heavy. You wanted to get off the table, but you couldn't move any of your limbs but your head.

   " You know, my lord, I remember perfectly the first day we met. Yes, it all started on that day five years ago! "

You listened to the story, but there were some instances your hearing went away for a second but would return later. You understood the story, though. Lord Kelvin was obsessed with the Phatomhives after meeting them at a soiree. Ever since then, he wanted to get close to Vincent Phatomhive, but Lord Kelvin claimed that special people are untouchable by those who weren't special. So, he got surgery to make himself look 'more beautiful to get close to Vincent Phatomhive and his sons. Then, Joker and the others came into the picture, collecting children, and Lord Kelvin would turn them into dolls. But when the manor was burned, he lost all hope until Ciel was found and tortured in a chamber just like this. But now, Ciel had returned, and he was no longer a boy; he was a man in his father's image.

Indeed, Lord Kelvin's obsession went beyond belief.

You turned your head and noticed that everyone was on the ground floor to the left of the table. You turned your head to look at them and saw Ciel's expression. He looked like he was on the edge of killing the man in front of him.

   " I, who gave up everything to meet you, was the only one who couldn't. 'Why is fate so bent on keeping us apart?' I wondered. And then, on that day, they were all gone. It was you who killed them, wasn't it, my lord? How I envy them. A beautiful end, with the cold moon at their deathbeds. . .Please, make me one of them. Look! I've prepared everything just as it was then! This ritual chamber. . .and the lambs. . .And finally, my lord--you! I've even prepared someone to practice on, so we can get this right! Though she is much more alive than the others, she will only be there in moments--"

A gunshot rang throughout the room. Ciel had pulled the trigger and shot Lord Kelvin in the stomach. 

   " Father! "

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