Chapter 16: Finding the Story

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You handed Sebastian your luggage, and he set it inside the carriage. Tanaka sat on the driver's pedestal while the others ran around chasing Pluto, who ran rampant. Ciel stood by the carriage door with Sebastian as you approached. His hands were folded behind him while Sebastian kept his hand on the door, and the other rested by his side.

   " Are you sure you would not like to postpone this, and we can go tomorrow? " Ciel asked.

   " Yes, the sooner the better. I need to figure this out, before I continue to lose sleep, and become ill. I do not want to wait, and this is an adventure for me, not you Ciel. You're on your own adventure. I believe the winter festival is in two days, attend that while I'm gone. "

   " You'll be gone that long? "

   " Possibly. I'll send you letters when possible. "

   " Please be careful, my lady. "

   " I will. Don't worry, I will come back in one piece. "

Ciel nodded, and Sebastian held his hand out for you to take. You placed your bandaged hand within his, and he helped you into the carriage. You sat down silently, but Ciel instantly saw that your hand was bandaged.

   " What happened to your hand? "

   " Have a safe trip, my lady. " Sebastian said, smiling at you.

   " Wait--"

   " Thank you. I will see everyone when I return. "

   " Y/n! "

Sebastian shut the door, and Tanaka whipped the horses, making the carriage shift forward, and head away from the Phantomhive Estate. You looked back and smiled, seeing Ciel's angry face, while Sebastian just smiled and waved. 

   " Isn't this is first trip without both the young master and Y/n, going together? " Finny asked, looking at Bard.

   " Yeah, those two usually travel everywhere together. But--Oi! Someone grab that Demon Hound! "

The weather was freezing, and you were glad that Ciel had provided you with a carriage that had windows so that the wind could not get into the carriage. The ride back to the estate was peaceful, and when you arrived, you hugged Tanaka before the carriage made its way back to the Phantomhive Estate. You turned toward your estate and took a deep breath in. You started up the steps to your estate with your bag in hand. You opened the door to your estate and walked inside. There was no one around when you walked inside. The maids, butlers, and none of the staff were in sight, and it was quiet. You walked around and couldn't find any of the staff. 

   ' Where is everyone? '

You set your bag down and continued walking around the mansion. You couldn't find anyone in sight. You walked to the stairs and walked upstairs. You kept walking around until you saw the light on inside the library. You walked to the doorway and looked inside, where Mary was sitting on one of the sofas, reading a book.

   " Mary, where is everyone? "

Mary turned towards the door and smiled at seeing you.

   " Y/n! It's good to see you! But what are you doing back? " 

Mary hugged you tightly, and you hugged her back. After parting from the hug, she held your hands in hers.

   " I came back to look into something from my past. But where is everyone? It's never been this dead inside the estate. "

   " Well, today is a very sad day, and no one on the staff likes it. So, they are all out with their families, embracing the day. "

   " Then why are you still here? "

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