Chapter 8: A Glimpse of the Past

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   " Stop! Please! "

As a man had placed a rag over your mouth, you felt helpless, stopping your screams. Tears poured down your cheeks as you struggled within the man's grip. Your small figure kicked and screamed as the man walked down a dark hallway with only a lit candlestick. At the end of the hallway, you were thrown into a bare room where no light would be able to touch you. The door slammed shut, and the tall thin man that stood in front of the door turned to you with a grin. You couldn't see his face in the darkness, and the candlelight didn't cover much of the area, leaving you defenseless in the dark. However, you could see his clothing and the evil smile on his lips. The attire was regal, and his skin was fair, but you couldn't tell who he was without his facial details. The man raised the candle to his mouth, and you cowered as the candle got closer to his mouth. Then, he blew the candle out.

You gasped as you awoke from your fainting spell, but you couldn't see anything. Instead, a cloth covered your eyes, and your hands were tied with a rope tied around your neck. More rope was tied around your torso and arms, restraining you tightly.

   ' It was only a dream. I'm. . .okay. . . '

You tried pulling against your restraints, but you couldn't break free of the rope.

   " And now, what you've all been waiting for; tonight's crown jewel. "

You still couldn't see, and you couldn't tell what was going on. You hated sitting down on the cold metal piece, defenseless.

   " You may enjoy her as a decoration, or make a pet of her. I imagine she'd even make an attractive part of a ceremony. Or if you want to sell her parts individually, that's up to you. Her eyes, are of the same color, and they are like a deep forest, making you get lost in them, easily. "

   ' This is a black market auction, and I'm being sold by Viscount Druitt. Could he have sold the organs of the rostitutes here, or would he sell off specific parts of the prstitute? '

   " I shall show you now! "

You heard the heels of someone step closer to you. You pressed your back against a wall but felt bars instead.

   ' I'm in a cage. '

You felt someone tug on the blindfold, and you looked around the room when the blindfold fell to the cage floor.

   " We'll start from a thousand guineas. "

   " 2000! "

   " 3000! "

Everyone was dressed formally, and they all wore the same mask. The mask was black, and you couldn't see their eyes. The cage you sat in looked like one you would keep a bird. The Viscount stood beside the cell with a thin blindfold over his purple eyes, but he could still see through the sheer material. 

   " 3500! "

   " 5000! "

   ' Somebody help me. ' You thought.

You felt too fearful of what would happen, and you wanted to get out of the cage as quickly as possible. If you could at least get the restraints off, you would have felt calmer. But you were being sold at a black auction in a room unknown to you. You looked around at everyone and felt angered by them. You were shielded in darkness as the candles around the room blew out. You shuddered in the darkness, not sure what was happening.

   " What's that?! "

You could hear people dropping to the floor with their cries of agony. Your body continued to shake, afraid of what was going to happen. You listened to the two bodies on stage with your drop, and you could tell you were the only one left conscious in the room. The candles relit themselves on their own, lighting the room back up.

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