Chapter 24: A Circus

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Sebastian prepared the carriage early the following day. You were not informed of what was happening, but Ciel told you to meet him at the carriage. You had hugged Mey-Rin and Finny goodbye while you and Bard bumped fists. The carriage was reasonably big, and with Tanaka driving, you knew the ride to wherever you were going would be peaceful. Soon, Ciel and Sebastian entered the carriage, and the door shut, sealing your fate for the trip. Ciel sat beside you while Sebastian was sitting in front of you. 

   " So, where are we going and why? " You asked, looking toward Ciel for an answer.

   " We are traveling to London for a new case. There is a traveling circus in town, but after leaving each city, there were reports of children missing and never found. Queen Victoria requests I look into the circus and find the missing children. " 

   " Oh, I see. How long have they been in London? "

   " Not long. We'll head to the Yard first, to see if they have anything on file. "

You nodded, agreeing with Ciel, and if Scotland Yard didn't have anything, then you would be doing everything yourselves. The trip to London was long, and when reaching Scotland Yard, you stayed in the carriage as Ciel and Sebastian went to check for a file. You watched people walk by, arguing, laughing, and expressing any human emotion. What caught your eyes was two children walking by your carriage, smiling, as happy as can be. Before they got too far, you stepped out of the carriage and called for them.

   " Boys! "

The two boys turned around and faced you. The younger child didn't recognize you, but his older brother did.

   " Ms. Y/n! "

The older brother ran toward you, smiling, dragging his younger brother with him. You sat on your legs and hugged the boy as he wrapped his arms around you.

   " Hey! How are you two doing? It's been a while since I've seen you. And I finally get to meet your little brother. "

   " Tom, who is this? " The younger boy asked, pulling on his older brother's hand.

Tom pulled away from the hug but stayed close to you. 

   " Henry, this is the lady I've been telling you about. She's the one who saved me from the baker and gave us some money, so we could keep living!. "

   " Oh, so this is the lady! It's nice to finally meet you! "

   " It's nice to finally meet you, Henry. " You said, smiling at the younger boy.

Henry nodded, and your heart swelled from the cute and proud look in his eyes. You stood and sat on the step; people would step on to get inside the carriage. 

   " How are you two? Last time we talked, Tom, you both had just gotten jobs. An apprentice for a shoemaker, and a paper boy, I believe. "

   " We're doing well! I'm still working on my paper routes, but I also work in a restaurant. I'm a waiter and I help the chief sometimes. " Tom said proudly.

   " And I'm working directly with the shoemaker! He lets me work on projects myself and I've been making a lot of money! " Henry smiled.

   " That's good! I'm really proud of you guys. You've both done very well, and I'm glad to see you working so hard. You've both come very far from where you were. If you keep working hard, you won't have to worry about stealing from others anymore. "

Both of the boys blushed at your words, and they felt prideful. They hugged you tightly, appreciating how proud you were of them. After a few seconds of hugging, they pulled away but kept close.

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