Chapter 22: A Curry Bun

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You awoke during the night to screaming and pounding somewhere in the townhouse. You wanted to go back to sleep, but you knew your mind would question what was happening. You got out of bed and wrapped your blanket around your form with a yawn. As you left your room, you didn't spot anyone in the upstairs rooms. You quietly made your way downstairs and heard the commotion coming from the dining room.

   " Why do the people close to me always leave!? "

Then, you heard something shatter against the floor. You walked to the dining room doorway to see Prince Soma running toward the door. He ran through, not glancing at you, and ran to his room. You walked further into the room, yawning again.

   " What's going on? " You asked after yawning.

Ciel looked up at you and stood from his chair. He approached you and set you at the dining table. You saw a beautiful tea set shattered on the floor, with milk, sugar, and tea around it, tarnishing the carpet.

   " The prince has just had a tantrum, over Agni. It seems Agni has been working against us, and with the man, who has been hanging those men in London. I apologize on his behalf for waking you. "

   " It would seem I need to retrain him. " Sebastian said, looking toward the door.

Sebastian quickly cleaned the mess and made his way upstairs to retrain the prince. You stayed downstairs with Lau and Ciel as you hugged the blanket around you.

   " Why don't you go back to your room and rest, Y/n? It's late. " Ciel asked, turning toward you.

   " Well, I fear that if I do, I will be awoken again by some noise. I will wait until the issue with the prince has been resolved. "

Ciel only nodded, understanding your reasoning. Lau, however, had a suspicious look on his face. His casual look instantly turned into a happy mood upon seeing how the earl treated you like a husband would care for his wife.

   " Lord Phantomhive? "

   " Yes? What is it, Lau? "

   " When is your wedding? I would like to know how much time I have to prepare a gift for the married couple. "

   " There is no wedding Lau. "

   " But you are almost eighteen, sir. Isn't this your prime time to find a wife and marry at eighteen? "

   " Yes, but as I'm sure you've heard, Elizabeth and I have cancelled our marriage. "

Lau's smile seemed to become more mischievous as he pointed toward you.

   " Oh, I meant between you and Lady Y/n. I would gladly attend your wedding, and bring the most wonderful gift. "

Ciel's face turned red, and he covered it. Yours turned red as well, but before any could respond, there was a slam from upstairs. Ciel, grateful for the distraction, walked upstairs, and you followed him to get away from Lau's questioning. Ciel walked to Prince Soma's room, where the door had slammed. Ciel opened the door and peered inside, finally pushing it open, revealing Prince Soma on the ground with Sebastian standing above him, glaring.

   " That's enough of that. "

   " Young master? "

   " Maybe I would've been the same way, if it hadn't been for that month. "

   " That month? " Prince Soma questioned, standing up.

Ciel crossed his arms and leaned against the doorway. He prepared to tell his story to the prince, hoping that things would be settled so he could rest.

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