Episode 30 - Literally I Just Interviewed Them Yesterday

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Guess who's back! Your favorites from literally yesterday, Finnick and Annie!

I know what you're all thinking: Why? Ask ImmuneFandoms, because she begged and begged for them to come on.

Finnick: I was really looking forward to sleeping in my bed last night.

Me: Oh well. Let's just start. What was it like for Finnick when he died?

Finnick: Kinda personal, don't you think? It was terrible. If you don't mind if rather not talk about it.

Me: Of course. How did Annie react when she found out you'd died?

Annie: I fainted, and I woke up in a hospital room, but I couldn't remember. They told me again and I cried for hours.

Me: How about when they told you he was revived?

Annie: I didn't believe them at first. I thought they were lying. When I saw Finnick I thought he was a ghost.

Finnick: But I hugged her and she realized I was real. She was kind of hysterical, but it was ok.

Me: All right. How are the kids?

Annie: They were great when we left...

Finnick: And they're great now. Mags is perfectly capable of watching them. They'll be fine.
Me: How did the others (I assume Katniss, Peeta, Johanna, Beetee, and Mags) react when they found out about the baby?

Finnick: Lets see. Katniss was the typical "congratulations." Peeta baked us a cake. Johanna asked if she could teach it to use an ax-

Annie: I said no.

Finnick: Yeah, and Beetee invented a self-rocking cradle for the baby. Mags acted like a proud grandmother.

Me: That's sweet. Ok, now ImmuneFandoms wants details on both of your Games, and how you fell in love.

Finnick: Well, I won the 65th Games when I was 14. It wasn't hard. I had a trident, and I won fairly easily because I was the overwhelming favorite.

Me: Annie?

Annie: Um...the 70th Games...I was 17...and I won by swimming...but Salton...his head...

Finnick: It's ok, Annie *hugs her* You don't have to keep going.

Me: All right...how about how you guys fell in love.

Finnick: It wasn't immediately. We grew on each other. Mags had a huge hand in that. She would set things up so we'd have to spend time with each other, and eventually, we'd seek each other out on our own. Soon, we realized we loved each other.

Me: Awwww

Finnick: Is that all?

Me: That's all!

Before we end this episode, I would like to tell you about tomorrow's episode. We are going to have a "fandom special," featuring two fangirls and two fanboys (they've already been contacted) and their favorite tributes. Please ask a ton of questions here for them! Thanks!

Comment your questions and vote!

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