Episode 8 - Glimmer is Popular

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Well, one thing I learned from all the questions for Glimmer: despite the bad rap she gets for flirting with Cato, she's pretty popular.

Crowd: *boos and cheers*

Me: Welcome, Glimmer and Marvel!

Glimmer: *beams* It's so lovely being here!

Marvel: I think you mean marvelous.

Glimmer: I most certainly do not mean marvelous.

Marvel: No, I'm pretty sure you mean marvelous.

Glimmer: You literally couldn't pay me to mean marvelous.

Marvel: But really, I think you me-

Me: Ok, stop! Gosh! Let's get on to the questions! First one: Marvel, have you loved Glimmer from the beginning?

Marvel: Well...since third grade, but that's close enough, right?

Crowd: Awwwwwww

Marvel: But I knew she didn't love me, so I kept it secret until the night before the Reaping.

Me: Oooooh, interesting. Do tell.

Marvel: Well, I had asked her out, and Glimmer's such a flirt that she never says no to a date-

Glimmer: Hey! That's not true!

Marvel: Sure. Anyway, I had asked her out, and I was walking her to her door afterwards, when suddenly I just leaned over and kissed her.

Glimmer: I was very surprised.

Marvel: Yeah. And I told her about my feelings. She didn't say anything; just went inside. I thought I'd made a mistake, so I volunteered for the Games. But then, she did too. Maybe things weren't so bad. And then she started flirting with Cato, and I lost all hope. But the night before the tracker jackers, we finally got to talk, and, well, we've been dating ever since.

Me: This leads right into our next question. Glimmer, did you flirt with Cato just to make Marvel jealous?

Glimmer: Well...yes. I mean, Cato's hot, but Marvel has a great personality. And, believe it or not, I'm not completely shallow. I can judge a person's character. I just wanted to see if he really meant. When I realized he did, I realized I could love him as much as he loves me. *kisses Marvel*

Crowd: Awwwwwwww


Everyone: Awwwwwwww

Cato: Ew.

Me: Get off the stage! Why does this keep hope bing to me?!

Cato: *leaves*

Glimmer: Ugh

Me: So, time for our last question. Glimmer, do you know how many- well...that's awkward...

Glimmer: What?

Me: I don't know if you really want to hear this...

Glimmer: Yes I do!

Me: You might be offended...

Glimmer: Just tell me!

Me: Don't say I didn't warn you. Glimmer, do you know how many people hate you?

Glimmer: *offended*

Marvel: Excuse you?

Me: Don't blame the messenger!

Glimmer: I thought all those hateful emails were jokes!

Me: I guess not.

Marvel: -_-

Glimmer: *starts crying*

Me: *to air* See what you did? *to Glimmer* Hey, it's ok. They hate you cause they ain't you.

Glimmer: That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! *sobs*

Me: Haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Baby, I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. I shake it off, I shake it off.

Glimmer: -_-

Me: Not a swiftie...?

Glimmer: -_-

Me: Guess not... Anyway... Thank you for watching! Make sure to vote, and send in your questions! Adios!

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