Episode 3 - Gale and Madge

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Welcome, welcome! Here we are for another episode of Capitol TV! Before we get on to our main story tonight, we have a quick announcement from President Snow!

Crowd: *cheers*

President: Thank you, thank you! I won't keep you long. I only wanted to say that the author of wonderful books about Panem, that you can find on this account, is experiencing a huge amount of inspiration currently! Her updates should be coming faster than normal!

Crowd: *cheers*

President: Yes, isn't that wonderful. Now, good day to you all! *leaves*

Me: Well, isn't that exciting? I, for one, certainly look forward to seeing all those updates! What about you, in the studio?

Crowd: *cheers*

Me: What about the viewers at home? Tell me in the comments here!

Random man in the crowd: I love Panem!

Me: Everyone loves Panem!

Crowd: *cheers*

Me: Ok, on to our top story tonight! Our two guests, straight from District 12, Madge and Gale!

Crowd: *cheers*

Madge: *smiles* Thank you! It's lovely to be here!

Gale: *unenthusiastically* Yes. Lovely.

Madge: *frowns at Gale* Gale...

Gale: *rolls his eyes* Fine. *overly enthusiastic* I'm so happy to be here!

Me: Well, we're happy to have you! Now, tell me, Gale, when did you finally, as this woman put it, "get off Katniss and go to Madge"?

Gale: Probably when Katniss got sent into the Games. I thought I'd lose her, so I gave up on her, and moved on to Madge.

Madge: Wait, what?

Me: *ignoring Madge* Isn't it funny how things turn out! How did you feel when Katniss came back?

Gale: Overjoyed! I thought maybe we might have a chance again. I didn't fall for all that acting she did with Peeta Mellark.

Me: And is it true the two of you kissed multiple times after she came back?

Madge: Wait, WHAT?!

Gale: *ignoring Madge* Oh, yeah. At least three times, but probably more. And then she still have me up for that Mellark kid. *shakes his head* I don't know what she sees in him.

Madge: You still want to be with KATNISS? Gale! I thought you loved me!

Gale: *gulps* Um...I do...it's just-

Madge: I can't believe you! You've been lying to me this whole time!

Gale: What? No...

Madge: Then why didn't you tell me about any of this?

Crowd: oooooh

Gale: Um... *sweats nervously* Um...

Me: Heh heh, well, um, how about we let Gale and Madge go, um, work out this small difficulty? We'll see you later!

Madge: Goodbye.

Gale: Thanks for having us.

Madge: Shut up.

Gale: What the...?

*voices fade in the distance*

Me: Whoo, looks like there's some drama there! That was certainly eventful! Thanks for tuning in! Make sure to send in your questions, and if you liked this, vote! Until next time! Bye!

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