Episode 18 - Parents!

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Today we have several of the tribute's parents here. Please welcome: Mrs. Sevina (Clove's mother), Mr. Hadley (Cato's father), Mrs. Valdez (Rue's mother), Mr. Martel (Glimmer's father), and Mrs. Carrington (Finch's mother)! And then, of course, we have their children over here as well, but they aren't allowed to say anything right now.

Crowd: *cheers*

Random older guy: CALL ME!

Me: Haha, no.

Random older guy: Not you! Mrs. Valdez!

Mrs. Valdez: I'm married...

Me: Let's just get to the question. How did each other you react when you saw your dead children alive? Your first, Mr. Martel, since Glimmer was the first to be revived.

Mr. Martel: Well, I didn't believe it. I thought I was going insane, and told Glimmer she was dead and I didn't need a phantom haunting me. She just ran over and hugged me and cried until I realized I wasn't hallucinating. Then I was overjoyed. After her mother died, Glimmer was the only family I had left. I almost didn't let her volunteer, but she talked me into it.

Mr. Hadley: I understand that. Cato and I had a huge fight about him volunteering. He assured me he could win, though. Now I know he didn't plan to, of course.

Me: Glimmer, how did you feel when you saw your dad again?

Glimmer: Well, I expected him to not believe it, because they told me he wouldn't. I was so happy though. That's why I was crying. I was so happy.

Me: Aw, isn't that sweet.

Mr. Martel: *hugs Glimmer*

Crowd: Awww

Me: Ok, on to Mrs. Valdez. How'd you feel?

Mrs. Valdez: Well, as I'm sure you know, our whole family was devastated when she died. Katniss's actions touched us so much, and then Thresh killing Clove for revenge-

Clove: Can we not...

Mrs. Valdez: Oh, yes, sorry. Anyway, it was almost perfect. I had to break the news about her father's death, but she took it fairly well. She's strong.

Me: How did you feel, Rue?

Rue: Excited. When Mom told me about Dad, I was sad, but I'm ok. I'll see him in heaven when I actually die for real.

Me: Oh my gosh, you are the sweetest little girl ever!

Rue: That's not what you said after the interview Saturday; you said I was a brat.

Mrs. Valdez: Excuse me?

Me: What...? I would, I would never!

Rue: Yeah. Right. And I would never sing to a mockingjay.

Me: -_-

Cato: *Australian accent* There it is, folks, the elusive Ellian whale making an appearance.

Me: Shut up. It's not your turn to talk.

Cato: Fine, I'll just whale watch in silence.

Me: Aaaaaaaanyway, on to Mrs. Sevina. How'd you feel?

Mrs. Sevina: *shrugs*

Me: And that means...?

Mrs. Sevina: I don't know, normal? It's not like it's some special thing.

Me: Your daughter literally came back from the dead.

Mrs. Sevina: Yeah. What else is new?

Me: You are a terrible parent.

Mrs. Sevina: No, her father is a terrible parent. He left me when she was born cause he didn't want nothing to do with a kid. She should be grateful I didn't put her up for adoption right then.

Me: Clove...wanna add something...

Clove: *sigh* Basically I walked into the waiting room to find her flirting with one of the technicians. She didn't acknowledge my presence until we got home, and then it was "thank goodness you're back, I'm tired of cooking."

Me: Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. What else is going on?

Clove: *glances at mother* Um... *shakes her head*

Me: Clove, I promise, if you're going to say something your mom won't like, she won't be able to do anything about it. Here, or at your home, or anywhere.

Clove: *looks down* My mom is abusive...

Mrs. Sevina: Clove...

Clove: *cowers next to Cato*

Cato: *puts arm around Clove and whispers something to her*

Me: Mrs. Sevina, after this I think you need to stay and talk to a social worker.

Mrs. Sevina: No.

President Snow: Yes.

Me: Get off- I mean, President Snow, what are you doing here?

President Snow: I'm always here.

Me: O.O

President Snow: Mrs. Sevina, would you like to come with me? *leaves*

Mrs. Sevina: *leaves*

Me: Well, that happened. Um...on to Mrs. Carrington. Care to explain what you were feeling?

Mrs. Carrington: Well, I was ecstatic. Finch explained the process of revival to me, which was amazing, and we've spent several weeks tweaking it to make it better. Mr. Heavensbee says he's very grateful.

Me: Finch?

Finch: My mom and I are both very analytical. She didn't really believe I was there until after I explained how the revival process worked.

Me: Like mother, like daughter, I guess.

Mrs. Carrington: Most certainly.

Me: Last but not least, Mr. Hadley!

Mr. Hadley: It was amazing, frankly. Sure, he hadn't won, but he was still alive. That's what was important.

Cato: It was great. Dad and I went over every detail of the Games. Amazing. You know, my dad won the Games 27 years ago.

Me: I would like to point out to all the fangirls in my audience, Mr. Hadley is the infamous Brutus.

Cato: Yeah. Mentor for 27 years now.

Mr. Hadley: It's been great. Most of those kids I mentored went on to win.

Me: How lovely. Anyway, that's all for today! Send in your questions and vote! See you next time!

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