Episode 2 - Cato and Clove

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Welcome to today's episode of Capitol TV! I would like to give a quick thanks to Alexaro5e for sending in so many questions! All of us at the studio appreciate it!

Our two guests today are the ever adorable, Cato and Clove!

Crowd: *cheers*

Cato: Thanks, Ellie, we're so happy to be here! *smiles at Clove, sitting next to him*

Me: We are honored to have you here today! How are the two of you?

Clove: Wonderful, thank you. It's been...it's been heaven, just the two of us, not having to worry about the Games anymore. I love being with Cato. *kisses Cato's cheek*

Crowd: Awwww

Me: Well, let's get to the question. When did the two of you start loving each other?

Cato: It's a long story, actually.

Me: Well, we'd certainly love to hear it, wouldn't we, folks?

Crowd: *screams* YES

Cato: *chuckles* Ok then. I guess it started about seven years ago, when Clove started training at the Academy. I have to admit, at first I was really intimidated. Here was this tiny, cute, innocent-looking little girl, but she could hit a target the size of a pea from one hundred yards away. I think everyone was a bit scared of her.

Clove: It probably didn't help that I was so shy. People thought I was psychotic because I never talked. *laughs*

Cato: Yeah. *puts arm around Clove* But I started admiring her, and it grew into a crush. And I started leaving her little things, like a peppermint or something, in her locker.

Clove: I had no idea who was doing that. What I did know was that I liked Cato, but I thought he thought I was weird, like everyone else did.

Cato: We didn't realize we even noticed each other until the night before my first Reaping. We were both working late, and ended up talking, and it just started from there. At first we were just friends.

Clove: Because we weren't sure what the other person thought.

Cato: But after a few years, we started dating.

Me: And this was before the 74th Games?

Cato: *nods*

Clove: We were devastated when we realized we'd have to go in together. But, as you can see, everything worked out better than anything we could have hoped.

Cato: I can't imagine life without her. *kisses Clove*

Crowd: Awwww

Me: Well, thank you both very much! That was so sweet! I'm sure I speak for everyone watching when I say we wish you both a long and happy life together!

Cato: Thank you for having us.

Me: *to the camera* Remember to keep sending in your questions, and vote if you liked this episode! See you next time!

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