Episode 4 - The Reviving Process

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Welcome to another episode of Capitol TV! Today, we have no special announcements, but one very interesting question! To answer it, we've invited Plutarch Heavensbee, the country's head gamemaker on the show!

Crowd: *cheers*

Random girl in the crowd: I LOVE YOU PLUTARCH!!

Plutarch: Thank you, thank you! Thanks for having me on the show!

Me: My pleasure! Now, let's get to what all our viewers want to know: How does the Capitol revive dead tributes?

Plutarch: Well, I won't get into the specifics of it, the biological and chemical reactions necessary, but let me just say, the Capitol has been working on this project for a long time. We were finally able to use it on a few of the tributes from 74th Annual Hunger Games! But don't expect us to revive tributes often, if ever. The point of the Games is that there is one victor, one honorable young person whose strength, bravery, and wit kept him alive. It would undermine the purpose of the Games to revive those who died.

Me: But how do you do it?

Plutarch: Well, the bodies are brought to a top secret lab, and there we administer several chemicals to the body. After that, we actually shock the bodies back to life. We connect them to machine that send high levels of electricity through them, and they are revived. Really, it's believed that for the first three days, they shouldn't be considered "dead," exactly, because they can be brought back, with the right equipment. For a while, the newly revived patient can't remember anything, but after six months, their memory returns, and it's like nothing happened.

Me: Wow, isn't that fantabulous?

Crowd: *yes*

Me: How did you come up with this?

Plutarch: Beetee Latier was actually the first one to experiment with this, just after his Games several years ago. He has been crucial in the development process.

Me: Well, we wish you luck as you develop this further! Thank you for telling us about it!

Plutarch: Thank you for having me!

Me: *to the camera* Today, we have a special request for all of you viewers at home! Tell us what you think about the Reviving Process in the comments!

Make sure to send in your questions, and vote if you liked this! I'm Ellie Spark, and we'll see you next time!

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