52. Zoo

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Spring break Part 3


"Come on, the library won't be open for much longer," he said as he yanked her arm across the street. She rushed ahead of him, picking up her pace to make it before the timer ran out. "Oh, you really want to go now? Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Uh–no change—just want to avoid being hit by a car!" She asserted. "Why are you even dragging me along anyway?" She asked with her eyes squinting up at him.

He gave a grin, "Because you need to read more books."

"I read."

"What was the last book you read?"

"1984. But also Lord of the Flies for that one project a few weeks ago."

"That doesn't count. That was for school. I'm talking about free time reading."

"Why do you want me to read so badly?"

"Because," he said as he drew her in, wrapping his arm around her shoulder, "I think I'll be fun. Besides, you need to get outta the house."

"We have an exam next week, you know. Honors aren't something you can just take without putting in effort."

"Yeah, yeah. But hobbies are always fun to have, and it's good to step away from studying every once in a while."

"Did Mom put you up to this?"

"What? No. This is entirely my idea," he stated.

Her gaze drifted off to the side as they walked side by side.

"Tell you what. If you pick out two books to read, books that you are interested in, we'll stop by the zoo for a while."


"Why not?"

"Because then I'll have wasted a day when I could be home preparing for the exa—"

"Zoey. Take a break, come on. It won't hurt you."

"Aren't you worried too? Last time I checked, your grade was at a 94%."

"Yeah, well, I try not to dwell on it."

"It's an A-. Has mom found out?"

"No, and it'll have changed before she does. Now, do we have a deal? Two books, then zoo?"

She doesn't answer him, pressing her lips together.

He insisted, "We can look at the penguins."

Sighing, "Fine," she gave in.

"You're gonna love it, I promise," He patted her back and then sped up his speed, spotting the library not far from where they were. "Race you there!" He made his way across the street, dodging a honking car.

"Jake!" She shouted, a troubled expression on her face as she jogged after him, crossing the street and apologizing to the driver. "Not fair! You didn't even give me a warning!"

His head never looked back.


A sharp gasp jarred her from sleep. She drew her gaze back, abruptly rising from her pillow and supporting herself up with her elbow. She checked her surroundings with her confused consciousness. The sky was still painted dark. She peered over her shoulder to see Levi, who was still asleep with his back to her. Sighing and she sat up carefully on the bed, trying not to wake him, and leaned forward, her arms resting on her thighs.

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