25. Her touch

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A/n: Happy Friday.


She read my text and hesitated to answer. Why was she hesitating?

I saw you passed out on the sidewalk last night

Why were you there?

Was she at the party?

I was just taking a drive after therapy


And that's when I saw you

And this is your house?


And don't worry, my dad's not here right now

I nodded, looking around.

It's a nice house


Okay, now it's awkward. Well, she doesn't know that. She doesn't know I went to the party to forget about her. And she was probably wondering why I was drunk last night. She's probably mad. Does she know? I feel like I have to confess. Because what if she's just waiting now? What if she's waiting for my explanation?

I panicked and admitted:

You're probably wondering I was passed out on the sidewalk last night

I was at a party

Hooking up with people and drinking

A lot

I explained. But her expression didn't change. I assumed she would be furious about what I was doing but instead, she texted:

We're not dating, Levi

You can bone whoever you want

I stood there, frozen in time as she met my stare. I thought her response would be different but I guess I was wrong.

So the kiss meant nothing to her. And it means nothing to me. Okay. Since that was solved, I thought about her.

Why have you been distant?

I expected her to question it but it seemed like she knew exactly what I was asking about.

Yeah sorry

After the field trip, I got a text from my dad asking about my car, he drove it to school for me so I could drive home when I got back

Oh right, her car was getting fixed.

And when I got home, my mom was here

I remember her mentioning her mom before and how she ... hates her.

She stayed all last week so that's why I was distant

So it wasn't because of our kiss. It wasn't about me.

And I'm guessing her mom is gone by now.

There was a pause again and I thought of another thing to apologize for regarding the kiss.

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