☽ Vivian Goes Missing ☾

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Sydney moved another seat away from Stiles when he stretched his legs too far into her own seat. It honestly was impressive that he was able to sleep the way he was. The arms of the chairs had to be digging into him but he was out like a light.

She sighed and looked at the closed door that lead to Lydia Martin's room. Sydney had been here all weekend and had barely been in there. She wanted to give Mikayla some time with her sister. She had been busy with school work and Allison that she barely had time alone without their parents being there.

Mikayla was in there now, probably talking about everything that had happened this week. Tara had already given Vivian the rundown, even if Vivian would rather talk about how Tara was holding up. Sydney didn't even have the answer to that question. Tara had been odd that night but the next morning she was back to her normal, optimistic self.

Sydney wouldn't say she's the same.

She's barely had to wolf out since Peter died. Everything had cooled off for the moment, well except for Derek being the new alpha but he hasn't done anything to draw their attention yet.

Ever since Lydia and Vivian were attack and they killed Peter after he killed Kate, whenever Sydney looked in the mirror she saw a flash of blue. It was quick, almost like it didn't happen. At first she was worried that she had accidently been doing it in front of other people, but Mikayla and Stiles never said anything.

So it was just her little secret. It couldn't hurt to keep just this one to herself.


"I'm planning on submitting that one piece to-" Mikayla had been talking to her dad for the past hour since Lydia had decided to take a well needed nap. They had just talked about school and her friends. Mr. Martin explicitly avoided the subject of boys, which Mikayla was kind of grateful for.

Their conversation came to a stop when Lydia woke up and immediately tried to get up. She swung her feet over to the side and a tired expression.

"You want help getting in the shower?" Mr. Martin asked holding out an arm to his unimpressed daughter.

"Maybe if I was four." Lydia said with an annoyed look while she stood up. "And still taking bubble baths."

"We'll just wait outside." Mikayla said getting a hint of softness in Lydia's face before she went into the small bathroom.

"Where it's slightly less sarcastic." Mr. Martin said placing his hands on his hips. Mikayla sighed knowing where her dad was coming from. Lydia had been a bit testy, but who wouldn't be. Vivian has to be. Maybe that's why Stiles was spending most of his time in the waiting area.

Mikayla shook that thought off and followed her dad out into the hall. She shut the door behind her and was met with Naomi looking over Lydia chart. Mr. Martin was looking over at Stiles who had moved chair groups to the ones against the walls. He also had his eyes on Sydney who had almost taken up two chairs on the opposite side of the wall.

"They've been here all night." Mr. Martin said mostly to Naomi and Melissa, who had joined the three.

"They've been here all weekend." Melissa corrected with a small fond smile.

Mikayla had a smile of her own.


"Mom. mom. mom. mom. mom. mom." Vivian had been repeating that for the past 10 minutes. Naomi had tried to enforce a strict professional relationship while she was taking care of Vivian, but they both knew it was stupid to try.

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