📖 2014, XXX XX | Dancing

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Information: Hoseok first learned dancing at age 12. Hoseok's age can be linked to Year 14 since he and Seokjin has 2 years gap. Remember that the "Year 14" was Seokjin based age, not just year 2014 on this universe.


Throwback from Hoseok's POV on Year 21 February 25.

The first time I danced was when I was 12 years old. I think it was for a talent show or retreat I went to. I stood on stage because of my friends. The thing I remember the most from that day is the applause and cheers, and the feeling of actually feeling like myself for the first time.

Of course, back then I thought it was just joyful moving my body to the music. That was a bliss, and I found out way later, that the bliss wasn't coming from the applause, but from within.

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