2019, Jun 25 - Seokjin (Everything About The Hideout)

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[Place: Hideout]

No one was there in the classroom-turned-storage room. We never made any appointments in advance, but it was mostly filled with people and murmuring of voices. Such silence was rare.

As I stepped inside, I detected a potted plant by the window. Who could have brought a plant here? The room was always dark with no electricity, and the green leaves appeared even greener in the half-light coming through the dirty windows. I took photos with my phone. As expected, the photos didn't turn out so well. I always thought photos fall short of capturing what the human eye saw. When I approached the pot, I could see the letter 'H' written on the floor, half covered by the pot. I lifted the pot to discover 'Hoseok's Plant' scribbled there. I giggled. I should have known. I repositioned the pot to completely cover the scribble and looked around.

I hadn't noticed it before, but the window sills were covered with graffiti and doodles. The window sills, the walls and even the ceiling were covered with phrases like 'Admission to college or death!', proposals for unrequited loves, dates and countless names that were hardly recognized. This storage room must've served as a classroom just like any other. It must've seen students fill in for classes every morning and leave again in the afternoon.

On back-to-school days, students must've fill this room, which had been empty throughout the months of vacation, chattering in a roar. Some of them must've been punished for being tardy and ditching classes, just like us. Did this classroom see teachers who used violence, endless tests and homeworks? Were there students like me who ratted out their friends to the principal?

Suddenly, I began to wonder if abeoji's name was on the wall. Abeoji also graduated from this school. He believed it added to the prestige of our family to attend the same high school and university from generation to generation. I browsed each and every name and finally found his name among those written in the middle of the left column. Underneath his name it read: Everything started from here.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now