2020, Sep 28 - Jimin (Lying For The First Time)

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[Place: Hospital]

I stopped counting a few days after I was hospitalized. Counting is something you do when you want to get out, or you think there's any hope of getting out. The trees and leaves, far off outside the window, still look like people's clothes. So I knew not that much time had passed. At most, slightly more than a month maybe. Because of the medicine, everything was boring and dull.

Even so, today was a special day. The kind of day you have to write in a diary, if you keep one. But I don't have a diary and I don't want to have any problems if I did write it down.

Today, I lied for the first time. I looked into the doctor's eyes and pretended to be gloomy saying, "I don't remember a thing."

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