2022, Apr 11 - Seokjin (Namjoon Focused Loops)

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[Places: Road, tunnel, school, Naeri Gas Station]

(A/N: Loop #1)

I turned my car around and stepped on the accelerator. I drove through the tunnel, passing the rest stop somewhere near the school where we used to go to. I opened the car window. It was a night in spring. The air was warm and the cherry blossoms were fluttering about on the trees ranging along the school walls.

I left the school, crossed through the crossroad and made a few turns.

Not far away, I could see the lights from the gas station where Namjoon works at.


(A/N: Loop #2)

With a screech, the car stopped. Having fallen into thought, I had not seen the traffic lights change. Students with familiar uniforms stared at me through the car window as they crossed the road. There were even people pointing at me. I gave a strained smile as I dropped my head.

I knew what I had to do. But that did not mean I was not afraid. Would I truly be able to end all this misfortune and pain? Don't repeated failures mean there can never be any success? Shouldn't I be giving up? Isn't our happiness only a vain of hope? So many thoughts came and left.

Without realising, I had reached the road of the petrol (gas) station and I could see Namjoon working there. I drank a deep breath in before exhaling slowly.

I thought of Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook's faces, one at a time. And with that, I changed lanes and entered the petrol station.

I could not give up. Even if there was only a 1% chance, I would not give up.

Over my window, I could see Namjoon come closer.


(A/N: Other translations from the above loop.)

With a sharp screech, the car barely stopped in time. I didn't see the traffic light change, distracted by other thoughts. Students clad in familiar school uniforms stared at me through the car window as they crossed the road. Some looked at me angrily, some laughed briskly as if making jokes with their friends. Some took a look around while talking on the phone. They all formed a peaceful scene.

When the "Walk" signal began to flash, impatient cars budged and stirred. Those who jumped into the crosswalk at the last minute hurried across.

I stepped on the accelerator. I arrived at the intersection with the gas station in no time. I saw Namjoon filling up a car in the distance. I clenched the steering wheel. I knew what to do, but it didn't mean that I wasn't frightened. Would I be able to put an end to this string of bad luck and pain? Doesn't repeated failure mean there's no possibility of success? Doesn't it mean we should give up? Is happiness really a vain of hope for us? My head was throbbing with these thoughts.

I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. I thought of the faces of Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook, one after another. I changed lanes and pulled into the gas station. Namjoon was approaching, I lowered the car window.

"Long time, no see!"


(A/N: Loop #3)

The fight starts almost instantly. I make up my mind to dissuade Namjoon rather than the rude customer. But he must be really angry. He doesn't listen.


"You should get going." Namjoon's voice is low and shaky.

"You think you're safe after all this?" The gas station owner comes running out at the angry customer's words.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 1]Where stories live. Discover now