📖 2011, Aug 30 | Kid On The Rooftop

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Information: 9 years old Hoseok brought to the hospital for a check-up. It was the annual fireworks display. So he really wanted to watch the beautiful scenery. He had time before the check-up so he goes to the rooftop of the hospital, sneaking. He saw a kid crying on a stairwell who was looking for his eommeomi so he brought the kid with him on the rooftop, and watch the beautiful fireworks display together.

(A/N: This came from May 5 Year 22 in Seokjin's POV. Since this is likely foreseeing the future, I'll put the excerpt POV so you can't miss this date. Which is available on the game only.)


In Seokjin's POV.

Hoseok, a little tipsy now, starts to talk about something else. "You know how they have fireworks here every year on August 30th? The whole family at the children's home goes to Yangji stream as an outing. We set out picnic mats and watch the fireworks display. But when I was about... nine, I had to go to the hospital for a check-up on the day of the fireworks. And they told me I had to be admitted for the check-up."

"You had a check-up at the hospital?"


(A/N: Loop #1: Do you miss the fireworks that year?)

Hoseok shakes his head no at my comment. "Nope, I'm Jung Hoseok! I had some time before the check-up started, so I snuck out of my hospital room and went up to the rooftop."


"Yeah, but I didn't watch it alone. There was a little kid crying in the stairwell when I was walking up. He was looking for his eommeoni and was crying that he wanted to leave, so I took him up to the roof."

"Did you know the kid?"

"Nope, I don't even remember the kid's name, but sometimes I can still see the fireworks we saw together. Even though it was so far away that they were so tiny."


A/N: This maybe Jimin, the year when Jimin was first admitted to the hospital was sorta accurate to their age gap, 9 and 8. In summary, that was Year 11 August 30. Seokjin were already 11 that time and he has 2 years gap with Hoseok.

BTS HYYH Notes (Book 1, 2, BUS Game) // COMPLETE [Part 1]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora