📖 2012, December ~ | Jungkook's Abeoji

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Information: Based on Jungkook's note, he was 7 years old when his father left them. It was winter. Winter in Korea starts in December to March. And it was accurate for this year's.

So let's assume it happened on December Year 12 to March Year 13. The excerpt below comes from Year 17 September 11.


In Jungkook's POV.

The voices from the living room woke me up. My room was in the attic, and I could reach my parents' room by going down five stairs and opening the sliding door.

I reached out to open the door and stopped. Although I was still young, I could sense from the heavy atmosphere seeping through the door that this wasn't a good time.

Appa said that it was too difficult to go on and that the world was too heavy for him to bear. Eommeoni didn't reply. She was probably crying silently or not moving at all. A long silence ensued. Appa said he'd be crushed if he went on living like this and he should leave now. Eommeoni vehemently protested, calling him the most irresponsible man.

Then, I heard my name. "What are you going to do about Jungkook?"

I waited for a long time behind the sliding door, but appa didn't answer. Then I heard the sound of the front door opening.

"I'm completely empty, and there's nothing I can do for Jungkook." Those were my appa's last words.

I ran back up the stairs to the attic. I moved my chair against the wall right under the window and stood on it. Appa was walking down the sloping road. First his legs disappeared, and then his waist, chest, and shoulders. It seemed as if an unknown world beyond the road was slowly swallowing him whole.

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