13. Shravan's change🤫

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Hello all, after a long time. I knew few were angry with me but please try to understand my situation. I uninstalled wattpad for past two months that's why I didn't able to reply for my dm's and comments. Sorry for that. Even now I can't give regular updates. Whenever I get time I will update my stories. So, please bear with me. Here I told you my situation as the update won't be regular so don't get angry on me. My schedules are very hectic that's why I am unable to update regularly. Hope you all understood me.

Did any one miss me and the story🥺🧐?

Did any one miss me and the story🥺🧐?

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Let's get into the story,

Few days passed, Shravan stopped stalking Saakshi and Aadhi. He concentrated on his business and taking care of his father. He didn't even go to orphanage home at the weekend as he knew Saakshi would visit in the weekend. One morning Shankar confronted Shravan and asked him why he dropped their revenge plan suddenly.

Shravan: Uncle for your age you should stopped me from doing all these nonsense but you are dragging me into this mess. I forgot to spend my time with my father because of my stupid revenge plan. Now my full focus is on my father and business. Don't try to mess my mind with your so called revenge plans.

Shankar tried to speak but one glare from Shravan made him shut and he went away from there. Arjun and Mugen who came to see their friend shocked by hearing Shravan. Shravan who came outside saw them who were looking him with a surprised look.

Shravan: Why are you both were seeing me as you saw a ghost?

Arjun : Are you really going to drop the revenge plan?

Shravan sighed.

Shravan: I don't want to live in guilt. Don't ask me more than that.

Mugen signalled Arjun to stop digging further.

Here, Saakshi was little low as she couldn't able to see Shravan for a long time. What bothers her more was he didn't even show up in orphanage also. She was sitting on the couch which was in the living room. Her phone was ringing but she didn't notice as she was thinking about Shravan's sudden disappearance. Anjali came out of her room and saw Saakshi who was sitting absent minded. Anjali sighed and shook Saakshi's shoulder.

Saakshi came out of her trance and saw Anjali who was signaling her to attend her phone. Saakshi saw Reena calling her.

Reena : Hello

Saakshi: Sollu di
(Tell me)

Reena : Nama tomorrow la irunthu boutique polam di, Anu akka vara sollitanga.
(Anu sister told me that we could visit boutique tomorrow onwards)

After hearing boutique her thoughts starts to wander around Shravan .

Reena : Helo Saakshi line la irukiya.
(Saakshi are u there?)

Saakshi: Haan , tomorrow la irunthu polam. Na unaku aprm call panren.

(Yes, we can go from tomorrow, I will call you afterwards)

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