Chapter 30

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Ci-Ci's P.O.V

   I look into the mirror attempting to whip off the smeared makeup on my face. I sniff and throw the tissue paper in the garbage. I check my phone for the time. About 20 minutes have passed since I've been in here. I'm surprised no one has come looking for me yet... I poke my head out of the washroom door and look down the hall. With the exception of a few people in suits there really isn't anyone out here. I sigh and step out of the washroom fully. I walk down the way I came and turn the corner only to see that it's crowded with a lot of people. I stop and look at all the faces. First I see all the woman Christian slept with and I scowl with disgust; I mean sure you can call Christian a whore but all of these women knew my dad was married and slept with him still (not that I'm defending him of course). Then I saw Chloe, Hailey, Jason, Riley and Freddy all talking among themselves in a secluded corner. Then finally I spot the person I wanted to talk to most. Jace was talking to Drew, his dad and a lady who looks strangely familiar...

   I purse my lips thinking about it... then I realize that she's the woman I saw fuming  when I first moved in with Jace (A/N Remember that? In Chapter 14). But why is she here now? I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I have no time to think about that right now. What I really want is to talk to Jace but I also don't want to walk past all those people. As I debate whether or not I should go or not an all too familiar voice calls down the hall. But why would she be here. Then again I was the one who was wondering where she was through all of this. I turn around slowly and stare down the hall at the woman who gave birth to me. My mother walks runs up to me and before I can do anything she engulfs me in a big hug. I struggle to come to terms with what's going on right now. Why is she hugging me? I thought she hated me! But with all honesty I'm glad she's here right now no matter what she did or said I always felt safe when I was with my mom. And that's the reason I hugged her back resting my head in the crook of her neck where her neck meets her shoulder. I breathed in the familiar scent of her perfume. She smelled like well this is where it gets tricky. My mom has this smell that's really hard to explain. She smells like home but also like a nice sun shiny day but not too sunny where its scorching hot but you know the nice kind of day where there's a nice gentle breeze to cool you down....

   I said it was complicated right? I hear someone sniff but I know for a guaranteed fact that it isn't me. I pull back slightly and see my mom with tears running down her cheeks. My eyes widen and my jaw drops as I take in the sight. I don't know whether to pull her into another hug or run in the other direction. You may think that the second option is kinda mean but I have never ever ever seen my mother cry. EVER! 

   "M-mom are you c-crying?" I ask still uncertain as to do. I watch as she lifts her hand from off my waist and whips away stray tears from her face.  

   "Yeah it's just that... I've been such a bad person and an even worse mom! I mean I should have been there for you and listened when you wanted to talk but I just pushed you away like you were trash! And then you moved out and the house seemed so empty with you gone and your father was so sure you'd come back but when you didn't I had a lot of time to just think and I realized how much of a bitch I was and probably still am most likely though.... anyway that's not what I wanted to tell you I'm getting off topic this is why I get fired from my jobs...ARG! I'm doing it again! Anyway Lia I just wanted you to know how so very sorry I am. You don't have to forgive me I just wanted you to know that..." Her arms fall to her sides and she looks to the ground like a kid being punished. She looked so small and I really do want to forgive her but all the memories of her calling me names crash down on me and I hesitate. 

   "B-but why did you do it any? I mean your my mom and you called me all those names..." I say trailing off into silence. 

   "W-well sweety I was always so used to going along with things your father did I  guess I was just doing what felt normal to me and well following his lead and I was so stupid to do so but... well me and your father were like you and Jace; young and in love; but growing up I was always so insecure about everything I did and then I saw girls who I thought were more prettier than me or more better than me and I just-- I figured that if I didn't argue with your father then he wouldn't dump me for another girl... but I see now that that didn't make a difference..." She says trailing off. I put a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. 

Me, My bully and a baby (A story about Bulling)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu